Check out our free online courses/lecture series below, examples include Nature-based solutions MOOC that has the potential to provide multiple benefits across a range of sustainability challenges facing cities. They can help to limit the impacts of climate change, enhance biodiversity and improve environmental quality while contributing to economic activities and social well-being.
Lecture Series Recordings
Free lecture recordings
Nature-based solutions MOOC
The NATURVATION project launched a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on nature-based solutions in an urban world. The MOOC contains a collection of inspiring and educational films about the opportunities, challenges and future of nature-based solutions.
Endangered Archaeology & Ancient Greek and Latin literature
The Endangered Archaeology MOOC, uses Remote Sensing to Protect Cultural Heritage. Our course is available in Arabic, English, Farsi and French Our Department of Classics and Ancient History has made freely available Diogenes and DiogenesWeb, providing digital access to the Classics.
Free videos on meeting the SDGs
Climate Change
Improve our soil and reduce climate change