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Getting Outdoors

We believe that all children should have outdoor experiences in all weathers, and we have a well-equipped outdoor area, which the children are able to use all year round in line with guidelines from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). 

During their time with us, children benefit from a full range of outdoor learning experiences to enable them to reach their full potential. 

Mud Kitchen 

We have a mud kitchen area which provides the opportunity to build up early child development through sensory play, role play, imagination, maths and hands on exploration. It provides a rich and genuine messy sensory experience. 

There is free flow to allow children to take their learning outside and cater for different learning styles.


Nursery staff regularly take the older children on local outings and trips, to widen their understanding and experience of their local community and the world around them. We require parents’/carers’ permission to take children on outings and risk assessments are carried out in advance.

Collage of the mud kitchen and children playing outside

Active 30 

As part of County Durham’s Early Years Healthy Setting programme we are excited to have signed up to become a ‘healthy setting’ and have pledged to promote physical activity for the children at nursery. To support us to do this we signed up for the ‘Active 30’ campaign and agreed to offer 30 minutes of physical activity to children daily, which is incorporated into our daily routine. The children have really enjoyed taking part in our ‘Active 30’ activities, being physical is definitely a favourite of our children so the ‘Active 30’ challenge has been very enjoyable! You can see our ‘Active 30’ campaign videos by clicking on the links below: 

Snowdrops/Buttercups Active 30 - 1.10, Nursery Rhymes, Durham Uni - Morning - YouTube

Sunflowers Active 30 - 1.11, Nursery Games, Durham Uni - Morning - YouTube

Bluebells Active 30 - 1.12, Nursery Songs and Dances, Durham Uni - Morning - YouTube

Our Curriculum

Learn more about our nursery offering.

In this section

Snowdrop Room

We give undivided attention and encouragement to your little one.
Infant laughing

Buttercup Room

Staff are supporting and encouraging your child.
Child with picture book

Sunflower Room

Our staff support your child in their development and exploration of the world around them.
Child playing with wooden blocks

Bluebell Room

We are supporting your child in preparation for school readiness.
Children playing with construction toys

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Themes

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) has four themes each with underlying principles.
Infant laughing