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Nursery Food Provision

All food served in the Nursery is freshly cooked on the premises by our own very experienced cook. In conjunction with parents and carers we have devised delicious menus of homemade food developed to provide a nutritious, carefully balanced diet for our children and babies.

Our focus is on healthy eating, and the children are served fresh fruit and vegetables every day. We are able to cater for any particular dietary or cultural requirements, and we work very closely with parents/carers in this respect.

Children are offered an early morning, mid-morning and afternoon snack as well as a two-course lunch. Water is freely available to all children throughout the day.

For babies, parents are asked to provide formula or breast milk. Food appropriate to the child’s stage of development (e.g. pureed or blended) is provided. If required, we can accommodate breastfeeding mothers.

The cost of meals and snacks is included in the Nursery fees.


Our menus run on a four week rota.