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Our Publications



Apostolidis, C., Roy, S., Dey, B., Brown, D., Abid, A., Christofi, M., & Tarba, S. (online). Business Model Innovation through AI Adaptation: The Role of Strategic Human Resources ManagementBritish Journal of Management (2025)

Ahmed, W., Hardey, M., Vidal-Alaball, J. Organ Donation Conversations on X: A Social Network Analysis and Developing the OrgReach Social Media Marketing Strategy (2025)


Vickers, P., Adamo, L., Alfano, M., Clark, C., Cresto, E., Cui, H., Dang, H., Dellsén, F., Dupin, N., Gradowski, L., Graf, S., Guevara, A., Hallap, M., Hamilton, J., Hardey, M., Helm, P., Landrum, A., Levy, N., Machery, E., Mills, S., …Mitchell Finnigan, S. Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreementPLoS ONE (2024)

Aad, S., Dagher, G. K., Hardey, M. (2024). How does cultural upbringing influence how university students in the Middle East utilize ChatGPT technology?. Administrative Sciences (2024)

Yen, D. A., Cappellini, B., Jen, M.-Y., & Victor, C. (online). Happy to chat? Understanding older people’s attitudes and experiences of talking to strangersAgeing & Society (2024)

Hasan, M., Chua, C. E. H., Myers, M., & Bahar, V. S. (online). From Normal to Disaster Response Mode: How Can Virtual Communities Reconfigure Themselves to Respond Effectively to a Disaster?Information Systems Journal (2024)

Smolović Jones, O., Smolović Jones, N., Carroll, B., Spacing leadership with Greta Thunberg: A materialising ‘story-so-far’.Organization Studies (2024)

Aad, S., Dagher, G. K., Hardey, M.How does cultural upbringing influence how university students in the Middle East utilize ChatGPT technology?. Administrative Sciences (2024)

Singh, G., Roy, S. K., Apostolidis, C., Quaddus, M., & Sadeque, S., Identifying the Metaverse Value Recipe(s) Affecting Customer Engagement and Well-being in Retailing. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2025)

Vickers, P., Adamo, L., Alfano, M., Clark, C., Cresto, E., Cui, H., Dang, H., Dellsén, F., Dupin, N., Gradowski, L., Graf, S., Guevara, A., Hallap, M., Hamilton, J., Hardey, M., Helm, P., Landrum, A., Levy, N., Machery, E., Mills, S., …Mitchell Finnigan, S. Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreement, PLoS ONE (2024)

Pan, M., Blut, M., Ghiassaleh, A., & Lee, Z. W. Influencer marketing effectiveness: A meta-analytic review. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2024)

Blut, M., Wang, C. Antecedents of Customer Participation on Sharing Platforms: A Meta‐analysis. British Journal of Management (2024)

Wang, L., Chen, Y., Xu, Y., Lin, Z. Assertive or non-assertive? How self-concept clarity influences customers’ responses to advertising messages.  International Journal of Hospitality Management (2024)

Denga, Q., Lic, X., Fong Limd, Y., Liu, F. Optimal Policies and Heuristics To Match Supply With Demand For Online Retailing. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2024)

Fu, H., Lei, Y., Zhang, S., Zhao, K., & Zhao, Y. Unravelling the Carbon Emissions Compliance in Sustainable Supply Chains: The Impacts of Carbon Audit Cooperation. Omega (2024)

Aad, S., & Hardey, M. Generative AI: Hopes, Controversies, and the Future of Faculty Roles in Education. Quality Assurance in Education (2024)

Saeed, S., Giminez-Jiminez, D., Calabrò, A., & Kraus, S. Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: A multilevel framework. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (2024)

Raaper, R., Hardey, M., & Aad, S. #Studytalk in marketised higher education: Student influencers as emerging support providers. Studies in Higher Education (2024)

Ahmed, W., Hardey, M., Winters, B. D., & Sarwal, A. Racial Biases Associated with Pulse Oximetry: Longitudinal Social Network Analysis of Social Media Advocacy Impact. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2024)

Gozgor, G., Lau, C. K., Lin, Z., & Zeng, Y. The impact of digital governance on tourism development. Journal of digital economy (2024)

Jabbar, Abdul; Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Baines, Ning; Devine, Anthony; Christofi, Michael; Trivedi, Siddhi., Help those helping others - the role of universities in facilitating digitalisation and virtualisation in non-profit organisations | The Journal of Technology Transfer. The Journal of Technology Transfer (2024)

Gozgor, G., Lau, C. K., Lin, Z., & Zeng, Y. The impact of digital governance on tourism development. Journal of digital economy (2024)

Blut, M., Wünderlich, N. V., & Brock, C. (2024). Facilitating retail customers’ use of AI-based virtual assistants: A meta-analysis. Journal of Retailing (2024)

Yan, J., Xia, S., Jiang, A., & Lin, Z. The effect of different types of virtual influencers on consumers’ emotional attachment. Journal of Business Research (2024)

Goworek, H.; Bailey, F. Creativity and Innovation in the Fashion Business: Contemporary Issues in Fashion Design and Product Development (2024)

Joshi, Yatish; Chatterjee, Sheshadri; Chaudhuri, Ranjan; Shams, Riad; Apostolidis, ChrysostomosAssessing the impact of digital transformation capability for international market growth: Role of leadership support. International Marketing Review (2024)

Liu, Xiaoqin; Lin, Zhibin; Li, Xiaohui; Liang, Cuiying. Flexible paths to innovation: mitigating commuting’s impact on creative deviance. (2024)

Liu, Min; Li, Yuran; Lin, Zhibin; Zhou, Jiong; Liu, Shanshi. The Cost of Cost Reduction: An Integrative Review of Blended Workgroups. Human Resource Management Review (2024)

Niu, Bingjie; Lin, Zhibin; Yin, Ping. The agglomeration patterns of different lodging segments around a transportation hub. Research in Transportation Business and Management (2024)

Su, Lujun; Wang, Xiushan; Lin, Zhibin; Xiao, Sarah. From impression to expression: How warmth and competence in relaxing and challenging activities shape pleasure and eWOM. Psychology and Marketing (2024)

Zhang, Lijie; Lin, Zhibin; Huang, Wei; Djafarova, Elmira; and Ren, Li. Intergenerational succession and corporate philanthropy: A stakeholder perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (early online) (2024)

Yang, J.; Lin, Z. From screen to reality: How AR drives consumer engagement and purchase intention. Journal of digital economy (2024)

Wasim Ahmed; Mariann Hardey; Bradford David Winters; Aarti Sarwal.  Social Media Advocacy Impact on Awareness Regarding Racial biases Associated with Pulse Oximetry: An 11-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2024)

Raaper, R., Hardey, M; Aad, S. #Studytalk in marketized higher education: Student influencers as emerging support providers. (Early online) (2024)

Aad, Samar; Hardey, Mariann. Generative AI: Hopes, Controversies, and the Future of Faculty Roles in Education. Quality Assurance in Education (2024)

Gozgor, Giray; Lau, Chi Keung; Lin, Zhibin; Zeng, Yan. The impact of digital governance on tourism development. Journal of Digital Economy (2024)

Jabbar, Abdul; Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Baines, Ning; Devine, Anthony; Christofi, Michael; Trivedi, Siddhi. Helping Those Helping Others - the role of universities in facilitating digitalisation and virtualisation in non-profit organisations. The Journal of Technology Transfer (2024)

Yan, Ji; Xia, Senmao; Jiang, Amanda; Lin, Zhibin. The effect of different types of virtual influencers on consumers’ emotional attachmentJournal of Business Research (2024)

Tóth, Zsófia; Blut, Markus. Ethical compass: The need for Corporate Digital Responsibility in the use of Artificial Intelligence in financial services. Organizational Dynamics (2024)

Zhang, Xin; Zhou, Yalan; Lin, Zhibin; Wang, Yu. Ensemble learning with dynamic weighting for response modeling in direct marketing. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2024)

Wünderlich, Nancy; Blut, Markus; Brock, Christian. Enhancing corporate brands through service robots: The impact of anthropomorphic design metaphors on corporate brand perceptions. Journal of Product Innovation Management (2024)

Ghiassaleh, Arezou; Kocher, Bruno; Czellar, Sandor. The Effects of Benefit-Based (vs. Attribute-Based) Product Categorizations on Mental Imagery and Purchase Behavior. Journal of Retailing (2024)

Wang, Luqi; Xu, Yuanyi; Lin, Zhibin; Chen, Ye. Two birds with one stone: Goal conflict handling and its effect on well-being. Tourism Management (2024)

Obiegbu, James; Larsen, Gretchen. Algorithmic Personalization and Brand Loyalty: An Experiential Perspective. Marketing Theory (2024)

Brown, David M; Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Lal Dey, Bidit; Singh, Pallavi; Thrassou, Alkis; Kretsos, Lefteris; Mohiuddin Babu, Mujahid. Sustainability Starts from Within: A critical analysis of internal marketing in supporting sustainable value co-creation in B2B organizations. Industrial Marketing Management (2024)

Yan, Ji; Xia, Senmao; Jiang, Amanda; Lin, ZhibinThe effect of different types of virtual influencers on consumers’ emotional attachment. Journal of Business Research (2024)


Hardey, M., Aad, S., After Generative AI: Preparing Faculty to Transform Education, Learning, and Pedagogy  (2024)


Blut, Markus; Chaney, Damien; Lunardo, Renaud; Mencarelli, Rémi; Grewal, Dhruv. Customer Perceived Value: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis. Journal of Service Research (2023)

Holz, Heiko F.; Becker, Marc; Blut, Markus; Paluch, Stefanie. Eliminating Customer Experience Pain Points in Complex Customer Journeys through Smart Service Solutions. Psychology and Marketing (2023)

Yang, Lin; Lin, Zhibin; Quan, Rose; Cunningham, James; Huang, Wei. Internal R&D or External Asset Growth? A Closer Look at CEO Narcissism and Entrepreneurial Orientation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (2023)

Sun, Panpan; Lin, Zhibin; Chen, Chunfa. Unlocking potential: Macro insights into the evolution of a multi-destination tourism innovation network. Journal of Travel Research (2023)

Yen, D.; Cappellini, B.; Hendy, J.; Ming-Yao, J. Acculturating again: Taiwanese migrants’ enduring COVID-19 coping paradox in the UK. International Marketing Review (2023)

Zhou, Y; Yan, S; Li, G; Xiong, Y; Lin, Z. The impact of consumer skepticism on blockchain-enabled sustainability disclosure in a supply chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Boardman, Rosy; Kavanagh, Emma. Women’s Football Subculture of Misogyny: The Escalation to Online Gender-Based Violence. European Sport Management Quarterly (2023)

Zhang, Lijie; Baranchenko, Yevhen; Lin, Zhibin; Ren, Li. The Influence of Family Firm Succession on Financialisation: Evidence from China. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (2023)

Wang, Luqi; Chen, Ye; Xu, Yuany; Lin, Zhibin. From faces to feels: The impact of human images on online review usefulness. Journal of Travel Research (2023)

Song, Jiehang; Lin, Zhibin; Zheng, Chundong. Effective Pro-environmental Communication: Message Framing and Context Congruency Effect. Journal of Travel Research (2023)

Zhang, Lijie; Baranchenko, Yevhen; Lin, Zhibin; Ren, Li. The Influence of Family Firm Succession on Financialisaton: Evidence from China. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (2023)

Xie, Chaowu; Yu, Jun; Zhang, Jiangchi; Wu, Maoying; Lin, Zhibin; Feng, Ping. Concept and Evidence of Tourist Risk Gaze. Journal of Travel Research (2023)

Zhu, Tengteng; Lin, Zhibin; Liu, Xin. The future is now? Consumers’ paradoxical expectations of human-like service robots. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2023)

Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Brown, Jane; Farquhar, Jillian. Stigma in payday borrowing: a service ecosystems approach. European Journal of Marketing (2023)

Su, Lujun; Chen, Huixuan; Lin, Zhibin. Rise through coping with service failures in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research (2023)

Blut, Markus; Ghiassaleh, Arezou; Wang, Cheng. Testing the performance of online recommendation agents: A meta-analysis. Journal of Retailing (2023)

Zhang, Jiangchi; Xie, Chaowu; Chen, Yanying; Lin, Zhibin. How risk messages influence tourist processing and sharing: The role of emojis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (2023)

Zhang, Xinggui; Lin, Zhibin; Chen, Xiao; Zhang, Zhijie; Liu, David Ming. Leader–follower congruence in psychological capital: effects on LMX and turnover intention. Leadership and Organization Development Journal (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Önkal, Dilek; Das, Ronnie; Krishnan, Satish; Olan, Femi; Hardey, Mariann; Fenton, Alex. Developing Techniques to Support Technological Solutions to Disinformation by Analysing Four Conspiracy Networks During COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2023)

Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Koral, Chris. Enlightened Participation: SME Perspectives about Net Zero on Social Media using the Action Case Approach. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2023)

Zhang, Jiangchi; Xie, Chaowu; Morrison, Alastair M.; Lin, Zhibin. Hotel employee resilience during a crisis: conceptual and scale development. Current Issues in Tourism (2023)

Zhang, Jiangchi; Xie, Chaowu; Lin, Zhibin; Huang, Songshan (Sam). Effects of risk messages on tourists’ travel intention: Does distance matter? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (2023)

Webster, Michelle; Cappellini, Benedetta; Harman, Vicki. Feeding grandchildren: competing priorities and blurred relational boundaries. Food, Culture & Society (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Das, Ronnie; Vidal-Alaball, Josep; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Fuster-Casanovas, Aïna. Analysing Twitter’s Role in Combating the Magnetic Vaccine Conspiracy Theory Using Social Network Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2023)

Mittal, Vikas; Han, Kyuhong; Frennea, Carly; Blut, Markus; Shaik, Muzeeb; Bosukonda, Narendra; Sridhar, Shrihari. Customer satisfaction, loyalty behaviors, and firm financial performance: what 40 years of research tells us. Marketing Letters (2023)

Blut, Markus; Kulikovskaja, Viktorija; Hubert, Marco; Brock, Christian; Grewal, Dhruv. Effectiveness of engagement initiatives across engagement platforms: A meta‑analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2023)


Brown, David; Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Singh, Pallavi; Dey, Bidit L; Chelekis, Jessica. Exploring multi-stakeholder value co-creation as an entrepreneurial approach to survival and sustainability: The case of Pennine Pubs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2022)

Dey, Bidit L.; Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Nasef, Youssef Tarek; Samuel, Lalnunpuia; Singh, Pallavi; Brown, David M. (Im)migrants’ appropriation of culture: Reciprocal influence of personal and work contexts. Journal of World Business (2022)

Weng, Lijuan; Zhang, Qishan; Lin, Zhibin; Wu, Ling; Zhang, Jin-Hua. Integrating interactions between target users and opinion leaders for better recommendations: An opinion dynamics approach. Computer Communications (2022)

Moorlock, Emily; Dekel-Dachs, Ofer; Stokes, Peter; Larsen, Gretchen. Constructing Consumer-Masstige Brand Relationships in a Volatile Social Reality. Journal of Business Research (2022)

Yang, HongLing; Lin, Zhibin; Chen, Xiao; Peng, Jian. Workplace loneliness, ego depletion and cyberloafing: Can leader problem-focused interpersonal emotion management help? Internet Research (2022)

Xu, Yonfei; Baranchenko, Yevhen; Lin, Zhibin; Wu, Qin; Arakpogun, Emmanuel. How does the combination of factors influence entrepreneurs’ decision-making logic? A qualitative comparative analysis. Entrepreneurship Research Journal (2022)

Apostolidis, Chrysostomos. Technology as a Catalyst for Sustainable Social Business: Advancing the Research Agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)

Lu, Su-Ju; Chen, Ya-Hui; Huang, Hazel; Liu, Ying-Chieh. The Role of Digital-Media-Based Pedagogical Aids in Elementary Entomology: An Innovative and Sustainable Approach. Sustainability (2022)

Apostolidis, Chrysostomos; Devine, Anthony; Jabbar, Abdul. From Chalk to Clicks - The impact of (rapid) technology adoption on employee emotions in the higher education sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)

Fenton, Alex; Cooper-Ryan, Anna Mary; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Ahmed, Wasim. Football Fandom as a Platform for Digital Health Promotion and Behaviour Change: A Mobile App Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)

Li, Yulei; Lin, Zhibin; Xiao, Sarah. Using social media big data for tourist demand forecasting: A new machine learning analytical approach. Journal of digital economy (2022)

Blut, Markus; Beatty, Sharon E.; Northington, William Magnus. Cultural Personal Values and Switching Costs Perceptions: Beyond Hofstede. Journal of Business Research (2022)

Yan, Shuangqi; Xiong, Yu; Lin, Zhibin; Zhou, Yu. Flexible versus Committed and Specific versus Uniform: Wholesale Price Contracting in A Supply Chain with Downstream Process Innovation. International Transactions in Operational Research (2022)

Winterbottom, Thomas; Xiao, Sarah; McLean, Alistair; Al Moubayed, Noura. Bilinear Pooling in Video-QA: Empirical Challenges and Motivational Drift from Neurological Parallels. PeerJ Computer Science (2022)

Filieri, Raffaele; Lin, Zhibin; Li, Yulei; Lu, Xiaoqian; Yang, Xingwei. Customer Emotions in Service Robot Encounters: A Hybrid Machine-Human Intelligence Approach. Journal of Service Research (2022)

Duan, Jinli; Lin, Zhibin; Jiao, Feng; Jiang, Yixian; Chen, Kexing. A Dynamic Case-based Reasoning System for Responding to Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Expert Systems with Applications (2022)

Yuan, Ruizhi; Liu, Martin J.; Blut, Markus. What’s in it for you? Examining the roles of consumption values and Thaler’s acquisition–transaction utility theory in Chinese consumers’ green purchase intentions. European Journal of Marketing (2022)

Gao, Ying; Zhang, Qing; Xu, Xiaofeng; Jia, Fu; Lin, Zhibin. Service design for the destination tourism service ecosystem: A review and extension. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (2022)

Hutton, M.; Cappellini, B. Epistemic in/justice: towards 'Other' ways of knowing. Marketing Theory (2022)

Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Hardey, Mariann; Das, Ronnie. Binge Watching and the Role of Social Media Virality towards promoting Netflix’s Squid Game. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2022)

Zuo, Zhigang; Lin, Zhibin. Government R&D subsidies and firm innovation performance: The moderating role of accounting information quality. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (2022)

Yen, D.; Dovey, T.; Cappellini, B. Primary School Children’s Responses to Food waste at School. British Food Journal (2022)

Hardey, Mariann. Household Self-Tracking During a Global Health Crisis (2022)

Liao, Zhixue; Zheng, Weimin; Lin, Zhibin. Time apart while together: A smart trip design for group travelers. Annals of Tourism Research (2022)

Hardey, Mariann; James, Simon J. Digital Seriality and Narrative Branching: Season One, the Podcast Serial. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (2022)

Han, S.; Jia, X.; Chen, X.; Gupta, S.; Kumar, A.; Lin, Z. Search well and be wise: A machine learning approach to search for a profitable location. Journal of Business Research (2022)

Mencarelli, R.; Lunardo, R.; Lombart, C.; Blut, M.; Henon, E. Perceiving Control over the Exchange on Peer-to-Peer Platforms: Measurement and Effects in the Second-Hand Market. Marketing Letters (2022)

Chong, A.; Blut, M.; Zheng, S. Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Healthcare Information Technologies: A Meta-Analysis. Information and Management (2022)

Blut, M.; Chong, A.; Tsiga, Z.; Venkatesh, V. Meta-Analysis of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Challenging its Validity and Charting a Research Agenda in the Red Ocean. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2022)

Hardey, Mariann. Tracking the Trackers: Self-Tracking in Households as Social Practice. Digital Health (2022)