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The Centre for Macroeconomic Policy (CEMAP) focuses on economic growth and ways to explain and understand it more clearly. Our members investigate the broad determinants of economic growth, and the possible impact of this on individuals and wider society. Current research projects cover issues such as inequality, education, monetary and fiscal policy, and – in international terms – malnutrition, extreme poverty and low aspiration. 

We have ongoing projects covering a range of economic issues that affect economic growth such as inequality, finance, education, monetary and fiscal policy, and – in international terms – malnutrition, extreme poverty and low aspiration. In the future, we hope to open up our research to areas including understanding the connection between regional disparity in growth, lack of investment in education and training, and the skills gap. Members of the centre have written papers on subjects as diverse as offshore banking, wage inequality, government debt, environmental economics, productivity and fertility. 

Creating impact and engagement 

We connect with a wide range of interested researchers and practitioners who share our focus on all facets of economic growth. 

We are proud to have an advisory board made up of academics from across the globe who take an active interest in all our activities. Notably, d'Artis Kancs from the European Commission, B. Ravikumar from the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, and Simon Derrick, Managing Director of Bank of New York Mellon, who is on the advisory board and has presented to staff and MSc students. Stephen Millard from the Bank of England is a Visiting Professor in Durham, participating in CEMAP-sponsored activities. 


CEMAPs members have published in major refereed journals, including: 

Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics, Economic Theory and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

University student
The Centre for Macroeconomic Policy concentrates on a spectrum of macroeconomic issues, encompassing monetary and fiscal policy, macro finance, growth, development, and the environment. Our researchers delve into the overarching factors influencing business cycles, growth, development, environment amongst others, exploring their implications for both individuals and the wider society.

Parantap Basu & Tatiana Damjanovic
Centre Directors

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Economic growth charts in 3D

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Get in Touch

If you would like to find out more about the Centre for Macroeconomic Policy (CEMAP), please email our Co-Director Tatiana Damjanovic.

Centre for Macroeconomic Policy (CEMAP)

Durham University Business School 
Mill Hill Lane 
Durham DH1 3LB
United Kingdom

+44 (0)191 334 5200