Large bar space that forms the main social area of the College; which in addition to the bar itself also houses a coffee shop and hot food kitchen. The majority of College events have some sort of foc
Mutli Use Games Area (MUGA)
Welcome to our spacious and vibrant dance studio, designed for students to explore movement and creativity. With mirrored walls, professional flooring, and plenty of room to practice.
JB Dance Studio
Our college has excellent facilities for study, exercise and socialising.
Facilities include:
Spacious, modern bedrooms with en-suite and internet access in every room organised into flats with shared kitchen/living areas.
Laundrette with twelve washing machines and six tumble dryers.
Large bar space that forms the main social area of the College; which in addition to the bar itself also houses a coffee shop and hot food kitchen. The majority of College events have some sort of focus on the bar space.
Common rooms/TV lounges found in the main building, open 24 hours a day, and separate rooms for JCR (Junior Common Room) and MCR (Middle Common Room - Postgraduate and 4th-year Undergraduate students) members.
Landscaped grounds with good accessibility.
Well-equipped, air-conditioned IT suite with networked computers, printing facilities and a giant plasma screen.
Library Lounge with books that can be read and borrowed for pleasure or study and relaxing spaces to read. The Library Lounge also hosts events throughout the year encouraging students to gather together around books and food.
Group Study Space with a plasma screen and whiteboard.
Quiet Study Space with individual study desks.
Modern gym.
Multi-purpose sports field.
Mutli Use Games Area (MUGA).
Outdoor Green Gym.
Music room available to book for individual or group practice.
Art room.
Several meeting rooms can be booked by individuals for study purposes or for society activities, with projectors and interactive whiteboards available.
Events Hall, used for formal dinners, sports training, and various social engagements.