Team Durham Student Athlete Code of Conduct
Students are expected to treat all members of the community with respect including their peers, staff, visitors to the University and members of the local community. In particular, the University’s disciplinary jurisdiction over students’ conduct is not limited to University premises or solely within term-time. This means, for example, that behaviour off campus and during vacations, weekends, evenings, on placements, training camps, competition and field trips may be taken into consideration. It also means that behaviour in a social setting (for example in residences, or on social media) may have consequences whether or not it takes place during normal University opening hours.
In light of the above, student athletes should appreciate that they are arguably amongst the most visible and well supported students across the whole institution; and that being a member of Team Durham (TD) means that the student athlete is an important ambassador for the University.
The student athlete should therefore:
Students should also recognise the long and proud tradition of sport at Durham University and that to be selected to represent Durham University Sport is an honour and not a right.
Through this representation the student athlete must:
What are the aims of this Code of Conduct?
The Code of Conduct
All Team Durham athletes must understand that they should conduct themselves in accordance with:
In abiding to the principles of the Team Durham Code of Conduct student athletes should pay particular attention to and reflect upon the following key areas:
The University Community
As a student athlete you will:
Academic Standing
Role as a Durham University Ambassador
Social Media
UK Anti-Doping (UKAD)
Durham University is working with UKAD to become a Clean Sport University.
Sexual Violence and Misconduct
Remaining informed of Durham University and Durham SU policies
*Our definition of an initiation is an event in which members (often new members) of the club are expected to perform any activity as a means of gaining credibility, status or entry within a club. This pressure is often (although not explicitly) exerted upon first year students and may involve the consumption of alcohol, eating concoctions of various food stuffs and performing dangerous, illegal or humiliating acts.
What happens if there is a breach of the Code of Conduct?
Student-athletes are, naturally, members of the Durham University student body and, as such, are subject to the Non-Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Procedure. It is this procedure which will be invoked if a student athlete is alleged to be in breach of the Team Durham Student Athlete Code of Conduct.
Upon receipt of an allegation of student misconduct, an Authorised University Officer or their delegated representative will determine whether the alleged misconduct should be investigated locally as an allegation of a “Category 1” offence or, instead, be referred to the Senate Discipline Committee as an allegation of a “Category 2” offence.
“Category 1” offences involve allegations of student misconduct which, whilst serious in nature, do not seriously affect or cause serious damage to the University, its academic reputation or its staff or students. “Category 1” offences are considered less serious in nature but will warrant formal investigation and possible sanction.
In the context of Team Durham, offences that are considered to be “Category 1” shall be investigated by the Authorised University Officer, or their delegated representative, within the Colleges and Student Experience Division. The Authorised University Officer has authority to apply any, or all, of the following sanctions:
Should an incident occur towards, or at the end, of the competitive season, the penalties may be applied for the following season.
“Category 2” offences involve allegations of student misconduct that either do or have the potential to seriously affect or cause serious damage to the University, its reputation or to its staff and students. “Category 2” offences are considered more serious in nature and warrant investigation and possible sanction by the Senate Discipline Committee.
Sanctions for “Category 2” offences include exclusion from the University and other sanctions that may impact on a student’s academic progress.
Appeal against a decision under the “Category 1” Offence procedure
A student may exercise the right to appeal by writing to the Student Conduct Office within 10 working days of receiving the outcome of the investigation. The appeal process will not re-investigate the offence.
The request for the right to appeal will be considered by the Director of Experience Durham (or PVC Colleges and Student Experience where the Director has already been involved in the case). The student will be asked to state the grounds of their appeal, and the right to appeal will only be granted if there is evidence of the following:
If there are grounds for appeal, the Director / PVC Colleges and Student Experience will review the papers, but will not re-hear the case or interview the student/s. They may then decide to take action as follows:
If the Director of Experience Durham/ PVC Colleges and Student Experience decides that the student has not demonstrated sufficient grounds for appeal, the appeal will be dismissed. The decision is final and the student shall receive a ‘completion of procedures’ letter summarising the reasoning and outcome of the appeal, and the right to complain to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator and the deadline for submitting a complaint.
Appeal against a decision under the “Category 2” Offence procedure
A student may exercise the right to appeal by completing the Disciplinary Offences Appeal Form and submitting it to the Student Conduct Office within 10 working days of receiving the outcome of the Panel. The appeal process will not re-investigate the disciplinary offence.
The request for the right to appeal will be considered by the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Colleges & Student Experience) (or their nominee). The student will be asked to state the grounds of their appeal, and the right to appeal will only be granted if there is evidence of the following:
Within 20 working days of the appeal being received by the Student Conduct Office, it shall be forwarded to an appointed lay member of University Council together with all of the information considered at the Disciplinary Panel.
If there are grounds for appeal, the lay member of University Council will review the papers, but will not re-hear the case or interview the student. They may then decide to take action as follows:
If the lay member of University Council decides that the student has not demonstrated sufficient grounds for appeal, the appeal will be dismissed.
Except in cases where further action is to be undertaken, the decision is final and the student shall receive a ‘completion of procedures’ letter summarising the reasoning and outcome of the appeal, and the right to complain to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator and the deadline for submitting a complaint.