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Disclaimer: This page is only for reference by staff and students at TEIs operating under the Common Awards scheme.
Durham University staff and students should instead refer to the Learning and Teaching Handbook here.

The information on this page is reviewed every three months.


Extract from Durham University Learning & Teaching Handbook

10.1: Purpose of External Examiners


1.   The purposes of the University's external examiner system are to ensure that:


a. Degrees awarded by the University meet or exceed the academic standards specified in  external points of reference such as the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, subject benchmark statements, the QAA Code of Practice, and (where appropriate) the requirements of professional bodies.


b. The academic standards of the University's awards are consistent with those in comparable HEIs.


c. The assessment system is fair and is fairly operated in the awarding and classification of degrees. The external examiner may be consulted in the course of any investigation into any suspected irregularity in examination performance of the production or assessed work.