About Us
Founded in 1928, the Department of Geography at Durham is one of the leading centres of geographical research and education in the world.
World-leading research
The most recent Research Excellence Framework found we produced the most world-leading research publications and were top for overall research power in the discipline nationally.
Our success as a department is a measure of the open, inclusive environment we foster for students and staff. Every day I am energised by our research and teaching on everything from border security, finance, and urban transformation to hazards and sea-level rise. To be a member of Durham Geography is to be welcomed by a community that wants you to succeed and creates an environment to make it happen.
Top-class facilities
Our ambition is to provide an outstanding education experience for each and every one of our undergraduate and postgraduate students, and for the Department to be a key research node in global networks, known for its agenda-setting research across the range of our specialisms. With over 60 academics, 40 researchers, 40 professional support, administrative and technical staff, 750 undergraduates and 130 postgraduates, we teach and research across the discipline. Our specialisms span from Antarctica, Greenland and the Arctic to Bangladesh, China and the emergent economies, whilst continuing to attend to the closer to home, the North East region in which we are located.
We are fortunate to enjoy a superb research and teaching environment in a wonderful City, with top-class laboratory and IT facilities in a supportive and collegial atmosphere. At our core, our strength is drawn from all the people - staff and students - who together create and sustain the vibrant scholarly community that makes Durham Geography.
Research Clusters
Virtual Library
Contact Us
Founded in 1928, the Department of Geography at Durham University is one of the leading centres of geographical research and education in the world.
Department of Geography
Durham University
Lower Mountjoy
South Road, Durham
Tel: +44 (0)191 3341800
Fax: +44 (0)191 3341801