THE MACFARLANES LLP PRIZE IN TRUSTS & EQUITY (henceforth Macfarlanes LLP Prize) is an annual examination prize established by a generous gift from Macfarlanes LLP. Each year, £1000 will be provided to distribute amongst the top three undergraduate students in the second year undergraduate module of Trusts Law. The student attaining the highest mark will receive £500. The students in second and third place will receive £300 and £200 respectively. In addition to the financial award, the top ten undergraduate students in the second year module of Trusts & Equity, to include the recipients of the financial awards detailed above, will be invited by Macfarlanes to engage with the Firm perhaps by a visit, work experience or similar at a mutually convenient time. This amendment of this Prize will be awarded for the first time at the end of academic year 2021-22 and will be awarded annually on an ongoing basis until further notice.
THE CRIMINAL LAW PRIZE SUPPORTED BY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS will be presented to the student with the best performance in Criminal Law. The student will receive their choice of books from OUP to the value of £150.
THE MAX HUNTER PRIZE FOR YEAR ABROAD STUDIES to the value of £200 will be awarded annually to the highest scoring second year student about to undertake a year abroad. This prize was established in memory of Max Hunter, a former law student, who was killed in Israel on 12 August 1997.
THE AARON BAKER MEMORIAL PRIZE IN EMPLOYMENT LAW sponsored by Kieran Lee Marshall, a former supervisee, colleague and friend of Aaron Baker, is a £100 prize awarded annually to the top performing student in Employment Law in memory of Aaron Baker, an Associate Professor (Reader) in Law who taught Employment Law for many years.
THE COMMERCIAL LAW PRIZE SUPPORTED BY THREE VERULAM BUILDINGS will be awarded annually to the top 3 second year students in Commercial Law, £600, £400, £200.
THE LAW OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS PRIZE SUPPORTED BY SIR ANDREW MCFARLANE, PRESIDENT OF THE FAMILY DIVISION, is awarded annually to the top three undergraduate students in Law of Family Relationships - £300 for first, £200 for second and £100 for third place. These students are also invited to marshal Sir Andrew McFarlane when he is sitting in Court
THE GRAY’S INN MASTER JOHN STEEL KC PRIZE will be awarded annually to the top three students on the optional Advanced Issues in Public Law course. The three students will receive financial prizes of £300 (1st place), £200 (2nd place) and £100 (3rd place).
THE COLIN AND ROMEY WARBRICK PRIZE IN PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW will be awarded annually to the top student on the Public International Law course. The student will receive a financial prize of £250.
THE ALLEN & OVERY PRIZE IN Law, Gender and Society is an annual examination prize established by a generous gift from Allen & Overy to be distributed amongst the top three second year students in the undergraduate module of Law, Gender and Society. The student attaining the highest mark will receive £750. The students in second and third place will receive £500 and £250 respectively. In addition, the top ten second year students will be invited by Allen & Overy to engage with the Firm perhaps by a visit, work experience or similar at a mutually convenient time.