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EDI Committee

The Departmental Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee meets once per term. It is responsible for promoting all aspects of EDI within the Department. The Self-Assessment Team (SAT) subcommittee is responsible for the Department's Athena Swan activities. Please feel free to contact any member of the EDI committee regarding any relevant matter, and feel free to engage in conversations on that theme in the coffee room!

Discover more

Find out more about EDI initiatives at the Department of Mathematical Sciences like women in maths, EDI matters and events, first-generation scholars group and decolonisation.

Women in Maths

Find out more about support for female mathematicians.
Woman working on mathematical problem

EDI Matters & Events

Find out more about upcoming and recent EDI matters and events.

First-Generation Scholars

Read more about our First-Generation Scholars group.


Find out more about decolonisation and mathematical sciences.
A map of the world