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Top-class facilities in Computer Science and Maths to foster student entrepreneurship

We offer the inspiration for our students to achieve the extraordinary in real world. With our state-of-the-art Hazan Venture Lab, we seek to nurture the talents and capabilities of aspiring student entrepreneurs.
Picture of Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences building

World-class mathematical research to propel scientific solutions

Our Department of Mathematical Sciences has been conducting pioneering and world-leading research with a strong impact.
Solar energy

Young Minds Big Maths: combining expertise from mathematicians and early years educators

Dr Rachel Oughton from our department of Mathematical Sciences has been working with early years educators to expand the reach of maths among children. Here she talks about the Young Minds Big Maths project that she is leading.
children in school

Meet Dr Andy Allan from our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Get to know Dr Andy Allan from our Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Picture of Dr Andy Allan

Probability in our Mathematical Sciences

Probability is one of the research groups within our Department of Mathematical Sciences. The group is actively involved in research in many areas of probability and its applications.
Graph on an ipad

My Durham Story - Owen Bell

We caught up with Owen Bell who graduated from our department of Mathematical Sciences last year.
Picture of maths graduate Owen Bell

Championing students in high-performance computing with Student Cluster Competitions

In our top-rated Department of Computer Science, we offer an unparallel support and opportunities for our students to excel in the world of complex computing.
Computer science students

A new phase of expansion for our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Since the inception of our Mathematical Sciences department, we have expanded significantly. Our student and staff numbers have gone up resulting in an enhanced global research reputation for Maths.
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Statistical analysis for real-world challenges

Our statisticians are world-leading experts. Statistical analysis undertaken by our Mathematicians are refining complex data sets and statistics to provide solutions for real-world challenges.
microscope being used for statistical analysis

My Durham Story - Chris Long

We caught up with Chris Long who graduated from our department of Mathematical Sciences last year.
chris long

Researchers discover a new form of Oxygen

A leading statistician from our department of Mathematical Sciences has collaborated with researchers from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan to achieve a major discovery in nuclear physics.

Collaboration with Atom Bank to advance mathematical research

We have a strong track record of partnerships on key research initiatives to explore and drive innovation, including two Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP).
atom bank 17