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Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics


Atomic, Molecular and Optical projects involve the study of the quantum properties of atoms, molecules and solids and their interactions with light. Working with members of the Quantum Light and Matter research section, students get the chance to contribute to greater research happening within the department.


Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics labFig.1 Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Lab

Students working on Atomic, Molecular & Optical projects could be doing experimental work in laboratories, using lasers to analyse the properties of atoms, or using high tech equipment to investigate light. Alternatively, many computational projects allow students to simulate and study the fundamentals of our universe, and work towards advancing scientific knowledge.


Projects are updated regularly, but previous project topics have included:

  • Looking for physics beyond the standard model with precision Rydberg
    • Use computer simulations to develop optimal measurement strategies that will minimize the systematic errors in measurements currently underway using ultracold strontium atoms
  • Decoding the spectrum: saving civilization from solar storms
    • Major solar flare events pose serious risks to our critical infrastructures, and the SAMNET network is working to develop early warning systems for such events. This project investigates the development of filters for use in solar telescopes and to enhance space weather forecasts.
  • Blasting atoms with light
    • In state-of-the-art experiments, ultracold RbCs molecules are assembled from an ultracold gas of Rb and Cs atoms. To use the molecules for quantum simulation and computation, the remaining atoms must be removed as quickly as possible. This project will develop a new method to blast away the atoms using light, identify the optimal transitions to use, and implement and test this method.