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Leading security scholar addresses Parliamentary inquiry

Professor Anoush Ehteshami was recently invited to give evidence to the UK Foreign Affairs Committee inquiry hearing into the UK’s engagement with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Picture of Professor Anoush

Can humans ever live in peace? Conflict resolution expert Roger Mac Ginty shares his thoughts

Roger Mac Ginty is a Professor in Defence, Development and Diplomacy in our School of Government and International Affairs.
Professor Roger Mac Ginty and the cover of his book

Ernst Otto Czempiel Award 2023 for Roger Mac Ginty

The Leibniz Peace Research Insti­tute Frankfurt (PRIF) is awar­ding this year's Ernst-Otto Czempiel Award to poli­tical scientist Roger Mac Ginty. In doing so, the jury recog­nizes his 2021 mono­graph “Every­day Peace: How So-Called Ordi­nary People Can Disrupt Vio­lent Conflict”, in which Mac Ginty explores how people in conflict zones can resist and disrupt tota­lizing war logics in every­day actions - even in combat.
Roger Mac Ginty

“Senzenina: What have we done?” We are all entangled in the politics of peace

On International Day of Peace, 21 September, Professor Stefanie Kappler from our School of Government and International Affairs reflects on the politics of peace in relation to art and, in particular, the work of South African artist and activist Haroon Gunn-Salie.
An image of the Marikana mine, South Africa

How 'survival arrogance' has put Iranian hardliners in confrontation with the public

Almost a year ago, the death of young Mahsa Amini in moral police custody, sparked widespread unrests across many parts of Iran, capturing the attention of the world towards the plight of Iranians, especially women. Dr Marzieh Kouhi Esfahani, whose research focuses on women in the Muslim world and international relations of the Middle East, analyses the situation today.
Two people standing by a banner which says #MahsaAmini - Woman, Life, Freedom

The Islamic Republic a year after Mahsa Amini’s death

On 16 September 2022, Mahsa Amini died in police custody which sparked protests across Iran. One year on, Anoush Ehteshami, Professor of International Relations in our School of Government and International Affairs, takes a look at what has changed.
A woman wearing a headscarf waving a small Iranian flag

Somaliland: Berbera city’s growth is being held back by a power supply monopoly

Professor Jutta Bakonyi from our School of Government and International Affairs joins Nasir M. Ali and Ayan Yusuf Ali from the University of Hargeisa to discuss energy development in Somaliland.
people in boats on a river in somalia

Durham’s world-leading status affirmed in QS World University Rankings 2024

Our status as a globally outstanding centre of teaching and research excellence has been affirmed once again in the QS World University Rankings 2024, being ranked 78th in the world.
A group of students with the Durham landscape in the background

Serbia field trip 2023

The field trip to Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina offered a great opportunity to see realities of a post-conflict state and the ways in which nations are trying to come to terms with their pasts. In the Easter holidays of 2023, a small group of us on the DGSi programmes (Defence, Development & Diplomacy and Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding) spent 10 days exploring Belgrade and Srebrenica: visiting museums, speaking to representatives from NGOs and learning more about the history of the region.
Serbia field trip 2023

Islamist Dilemmas Workshop

Investigating the Dynamics of Political Party Change in North Africa

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023

We are ranked 51-100 globally and 9th in the UK in the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023.
Logo for the QS University Rankings

Fearmongering about people fleeing disasters is a dangerous and faulty narrative

Dr Corey Robinson from our School of Government and International Affairs collaborates with Dr Yvonne Su from York University, Canada, on explaining why fearmongering about migrants is dangerous.
People walking across the desert.