We have a wide portfolio of externally funded research projects taking place at the School.
Students and staff at SGIA have been engaged in a project to assess gender and diversity in the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum by examining reading lists and course syllabi. Several research assistants were hired to conduct a variety of data gathering and analysis tasks, and this page presents an opportunity for those research assistants to share their motivations, experiences, and findings.
A wave of youth protest and activism swept the Mediterranean Region from 2010. This indicated the extent of young people's social, economic and political marginalisation, and the failures of existing youth policy narratives and paradigms. Durham University research on the political economy of the South and East Mediterranean countries led to the researcher challenging the positive-development model on which policies have conventionally been constructed. They argued for greater attention to the multiple dimensions of young people's own security and have re-framed discussions among and within policy communities around the causes of youth exclusion and pathways to inclusion. This impact has been evidenced in activities with policy communities including the World Bank, the European institutions, the Euro-Arab Dialogue, the British Council, European youth-based civil society organisations and the House of Lords.