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Research Seminars

Find out more about our research in the Department of Theology and Religion.

Anglican Studies Research

Promoting pioneering interdisciplinary research into the global Anglican tradition in all its depth and diversity.
Tutor reading through book with students

Catholic Theology Research

A regular forum for scholarly discussion of pertinent issues in the Catholic traditions of theology and church.
Three people sat round a table going through a paper

Biblical Studies and Patristics

For research postgraduates and staff working in the themes of Biblical Studies & Patristics.
Visiting priests and vicars enjoying a dinner gathering

Religion and Society

A weekly forum for scholarly engagement with issues in the social scientific study of religion.
Visiting priests and staff gathering with Cardinal Peter Turkson

Theology and Ethics

Seminars with papers from local, national or international speakers on all areas of doctrinal theology, philosophical theology and Christian ethics.
Students having a hot drink and chatting round a table

Moral Injury Webinar Series

Likely to be relevant to those interested in practical theology, woundedness and healing, trauma, sin, reconciliation, redemption, and forgiveness among other things.
A smiling woman in conversation with someone