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Improving global health

Between Friday 11 and Sunday 20 March, we’re celebrating British Science Week. In the second of our five-part series, we’re highlighting the incredible contribution our researchers make to global health.
Patient wearing a specially adapted helmet which delivers infrared light deep into the brain

Reaching for the stars

Between Friday 11 and Sunday 20 March, we’re celebrating British Science Week. From the sea to the stars, our community helps shape and make sense of the world around us. In a five-part series, we’re highlighting some of our most significant research breakthroughs from the last 12 months.
Virtual Universe

Extending a warm welcome to our new Professor in Practice

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Helen Goodman as Professor in Practice within our School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA).
Profile picture of Helen Goodman standing in front of a light grey background.

Football clubs in the ‘dark ages’ over gender equality

The majority of football clubs are living in the ‘dark ages’ over gender equality and there is sexism and misogyny at all levels of football, according to a new a report.
A football on a pitch in the middle of a stadium

New study highlights inadequacies in online tracking

A pioneering academic from our Department of Computer Science, collaborating with computer scientists from Newcastle University, has found that some top international websites are failing to comply with current laws on privacy and tracking.
online tracking

Tick saliva could ease chronic pain and itching

We’re working on a new drug based on a protein found in tick saliva that could ease chronic pain and itching in people.
A tick on human skin

Research inspired play challenges stigma of hearing voices

Our research has inspired a new stage play about how we all live with the voices in our heads.
An actor performs a play inspired by Hearing the Voice

Popular MUSICON Concert Series Returns

Our popular concert series MUSICON has returned with a diverse programme of music performances from across the world, celebrating over 50 years of this inspiring series.
MUSICON Man playing oriental flute

Students and charity perform together to raise awareness of mental health support

The third annual performance of the ‘Never Give Up’ Variety Show, will take place at The Assembly Rooms Theatre, on Sunday 6 March. The show is the result of an on-going collaboration between our student musicians and local charity RTProjects.
choir singing on stage

Scientists reveal incredible 4.4 million galaxies in a new map

A pioneering astronomer from our Physics Department has collaborated with a team of international scientists to reveal an astonishingly detailed radio image of more than 4.4 million objects and a very dynamic picture of our Universe.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship – The BFI and Durham

We are thrilled to announce our creative partnership with the BFI (British Film Institute). Led by Professor Santiago Fouz Hernández and Professor Jonathan Long, students will have the unique opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain access to landmark independent films on the BFI Player streaming service. Students on our Visual Arts programmes will also get the much sought-after chance to gain industry placements.
Denzel Washington starring as Malcolm X.

Off-shore energy storage project wins UK Government backing

A new collaboration between Durham University and Crondall Energy Ltd to explore the potential of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) in the UK continental shelf, has won backing from the UK government.
Offshore wind turbines