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Two great war leaders united by American isolationism: Charles de Gaulle and Volodymyr Zelensky

Tim Luckhurst of Durham University explores the parallels between political leaders Charles de Gaulle and Volodymyr Zelensky and their relations with USA presidents.
The USA flag fluttering in the wind with patches of blue sky

Children’s perception of normal body shape is affected by who they see around them – new research

Professor Lynda Boothroyd, from our Department of Psychology, discusses the flexibility of body weight perceptions in children and young adults, as part of a first-of-its-kind study.
Silhouettes of a child growing through to an adult

How our bodies react when we use social media – and when we stop

Dr Niklas Ihssen, from our Department of Psychology, explores what happens to our bodies when we social media - and what happens when we stop.
Several hands holding mobile phones