Name of organisation
Durham University
Type of organisation:
higher education institution/industry/independent research performing organisation/other (please state)
Higher Education Institution
Date statement approved by governing body (DD/MM/YY)
Web address of organisation’s research integrity page (if applicable)
Named senior member of staff to oversee research integrity
Professor Colin Bain,
Named member of staff who will act as a first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research integrity
Catherine Brewer,
Responsibilities for research integrity are set out in the Research InResearch Integrity Policy and Code of Good Practice. The University also has supporting policies on specific aspects of research integrity, including Ethics in reseach and scholarship, Research Data Management, and Responsible Use of Metrics. Central services, including Research and Innovation Services and University Library, provide systems and guidance to support implementation of these policies.
The University provides a range of training, development and mentoring opportunities for researchers at different career stages. These include the Researcher Development Programme aimed at PGRs and ECRs, the Leading Researchers Programme for mid to late career researchers, a new training programme for supervisors, online Research Integrity training modules (via Epigeum) and a range of tailored sessions and workshops on different aspects of research integrity.
Implementation and further development of the university’s vision for Research Culture, Flourish@Durham, is now overseen by the Associate PVC for Research Culture (a new post created in 2024 dedicated to an area of work previously within the remit of the Deputy PVC Research). They are supported by the Research Culture Committee, a sub-committee of University Research Committee, which receives regular reports on activity relating to Flourish@Durham, as well as specific activities relating to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the Research Integrity Concordat.
A number of developments have taken place during 2023/24. These include:
Systems: Implementation and roll-out of a new online ethics system, which is now in use in all departments. Branded as the 'Ethics and Research Integrity Portal', the first part of the form includes an ethics and governance checklists which guides researchers through a consideration of whether their project needs ethical review and signposts them to other governance processes they may need to consider, including trusted research and export controls, insurance, health and safety and data protection impact assessments. We are in the process of collecting initial feedback to inform further development and improvement of the system.
Policies: Approval of an updated Public Interested Disclosure Policy (Whistleblowing). Review is taking place of a number of other relevant policies, including Research Misconduct, Research Data Management, Research Integrity, and Ethics in Scholarship and Research. These will take account of recent lessons learned in these areas and ensure that policies meet current requirements.
Guidance: The following new guidance has been developed and highlighted to researchers:
Training and development:
Activity to develop and enhance our training offer on research integrity and related areas includes:
Research Culture:
The University has revised its EDI Strategic Framework. For researchers, the Inclusive Durham Framework is aligned with our Flourish@Durham research culture initiatives in attempting to enhance the sense of belonging across our community and create the conditions by which colleagues can thrive and flourish in their roles.
Research Culture continues to be a key area of progress, with the development of the Wellcome Reimagining Governance project. The Flourish@Durham programme will also continue its evolution in 2024-2025, particularly with the development of Prosper, a model for unlocking the career development and potential of postdocs. Flourish@Durham is continuing to work with Faculties and Departments with a focus on people, culture and environment and looking at research culture developments and opportunities across different communities in the University.
Of the priorities identified in last year’s report, we have
Future developments:
The current Research Misconduct Policy was approved in October 2022, and work is currently underway on a review in relation to lessons learned as outlined in the previous statement, and UKROI’s updated Research Misconduct Procedure. Related policies include the Public Interest Disclosure Policy (Whistleblowing), approved May 2024, and the Staff Concerns Policy, which covers Bullying and Harassment as well as other concerns, approved in February 2022.
The Research Integrity Policy and Code of Good Practice highlights informal routes for raising potential issues of poor practice or inadvertent error, while also signposting the formal routes available where needed. Similarly, the ‘Staff Concerns Hub’ provides guidance on both informal and formal avenues for raising concerns, and supporting information for those involved in these processes, whether they are raising a concern, having a concern raised about them, or involved in a management role.
We have included information about the Research Misconduct process in communications to raise awareness of this and related policies.
Only one misconduct investigation was carried out in the past year, and did not progress beyond the informal investigation stage. Key lessons include:
Type of allegation
Number of allegations
Number of allegations reported to the organisation
Number of formal investigations
Number upheld in part after formal investigation
Number upheld in full after formal investigation
Failure to meet legal, ethical and professional obligations
Misrepresentation (e.g. data; involvement; interests; qualification; and/or publication history)
Improper dealing with allegations of misconduct
Multiple areas of concern (when received in a single allegation)