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Hamilton has an array of software installed centrally as modules.   These items can be accessed using the module command.  We are happy to install additional applications and libraries on Hamilton, particularly if they will be of use for multiple people.

If you wish to install other software for your own use, please see the section below on installing software yourself.

Centrally installed software

Except where marked, all the items listed below are installed as modules and the module avail command will give up-to-date information about available versions.


Items in italics are installed as system packages and are automatically available; there is no module for these.

chkpt Checkpoint and restart utilities
rclone Rclone syncs your files to cloud storage
singularity Run containers (e.g. from a Docker image)



advisor Intel Advisor
autotools GNU autoconf, automake, libtool
cmake Software build tool
darshan HPC I/O Characterization Tool
dyninst Tools for binary instrumentation, analysis, and modification
elfutils Read, create and modify ELF binary files
forge ARM Forge (DDT)
inspector Intel Inspector
itac Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector
mpe2 MPI Performance Visualization
mpiP A light-weight MPI profiler
pdt Program Database Toolkit - source code analysis framework
tau MPI Performance Visualization
valgrind A system for debugging and profiling programs
vtune Intel VTune Profiler


Compilers and programming languages

Note that perl is installed as a system package, not a module, and Jupyter can be installed by individual users.  As well as the modules listed below, there are also system versions of gcc and python.  For further information on compilers, see Compilers.

aocc AMD Optimising C/C++ Compiler
cuda NVIDIA GPU programming platform
gcc GNU compiler collection
intel Intel compilers
java Java (OpenJDK)
julia Julia programming language
jupyter Web-based interactive development environment (not a module)
llvm LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
oneapi Intel OneAPI compilers
perl Perl 5 language interpreter
python Python programming language (cpython)



There are further pages on using MPI and numerical libraries on Hamilton.

advanpixmct Matlab Multiprecision Computing Toolbox
antlr Raster and vector geospatial data format translator
aocl AMD MKL optimising GPU libraries (AOCL)
boost Portable C++ source libraries
eigen C++ template library for linear algebra
fftw Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
gdal Raster and vector geospatial data format translato
geos C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
glpk GNU Linear Programming Kit
gmp Arbitrary precision arithmetic library
hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format file library
intelmpi Intel MPI library
jags Just Another Gibbs Sampler
lemon Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks
likwid 'Like I Knew What I'm Doing' performance tools
mkl Intel Math Kernel Library (BLAS/LAPACK)
mpfr Multiple-precision floating-point library
mvapich2 MPICH-derived MPI optimised for InfiniBand
nag NAG numeric library
netcdf Network Common Data Form - file format
openblas Optimised BLAS (based on GotoBLAS)
opencv Open Source Computer Vision Library
openmpi High Performance Message Passing Library
pmix Process Management Interface (PMI) library
pvm Parallel Virtual Machine
scotch Graph and mesh partitioning, sparse matrix ordering
suitesparse A suite of sparse matrix software
tbb Intel Threading Building Blocks
vtk Visualization Toolkit



As well as the items listed below, Hamilton has a substantial set of bioinformatics modules.

afni Analysis of Functional Neuro Images
airss Ab Initio Random Structure Searching
alphafold Google Deepmind Alphafold
amber Biomolecular simulation program
ansys ANSYS Fluids - Computational Fluid Dynamics
ansysem ANSYS Electronics and Electromagnetism suite
bisicles Ice-sheet model
castep Properties of materials from first principles
chimerax Biocomputing, Visualisation and Informatics
connectome-wb Mapping of neuroimaging data
crest Automated exploration of low-energy molecular chemical space
csd The Cambridge Structural Database
dynare Economic modelling platform
ffmpeg Record, convert and stream audio and video
fieldtrip Matlab tools for analysis of MEG, EEG and iEEG brain activity data
freesurfer Analysis and visualisation of neuroimaging data
fsl Analysis tools for brain-imaging data
gaussian Electronic structure modelling
grace 2D plotting tool
gromacs Molecular dynamics package
gurobi Gurobi Optimizer
jmol Viewer for chemical structures in 3D
lsdyna Crash simulation solver
mathematica Mathematical and symbolic calculations
matlab Programming and numeric computing platform
molden Display Molecular Density from various Ab Initio packages
mran Microsoft distribution of R
mricron Visualisation and volume rendering tool for brain-imaging data
mrtools Matlab tools for fMRI data analysis
mstudio BIOVIA Materials Studio
multiwfn Multifunctional Wavefunction Analyzer
nco NetCDF Operators (NCO)
ncview NetCDF visual browser
nektar Open Source Spectral/HP Element Framework
occ Open Computational Chemistry
openbabel Chemical toolbox for many chemical data languages
openfoam Open Source Computational Fluid Dynamics
orca Ab initio quantum chemistry
paraview Data analysis and visualization (GUI)
pism Parallel Ice Sheet Model
povchem Combining chemistry, ray tracing, and a little art
povray Persistence of Vision Raytracer
proteinmpnn Dauparas ProteinMPNN
r Statistical computing and graphics (R)
relion REgularised LIkelihood OptimisatioN
rfdiffusion RosettaCommons RFdiffusion
rstudio RStudio - IDE for R
spm Statistical parametric mapping for neuro-imaging data
stata Statistical analysis software
tecplot360 CFD tools and visualisation
topaz CryoEM particle picking pipeline
vasp The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package
visit Scalable, open source visualization
vmd Visual Molecular Dynamics
xtb Semiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program


Installing applications and libraries yourself

You may also install software in your personal Hamilton directories, subject to any terms and conditions in the software licence.

Note that installations will not be able to use privileged access, e.g. using 'sudo', or place items in system directories.

In general, software can be downloaded either in a form where it is ready to run (binary or executable), or as 'source code' that needs to be compiled. In general, downloading the binary form is easiest; however, for compiled code this is normally only possible if the software was built for Hamilton's operating system (Rocky Linux 8). Software that can be compiled to use more than one compute node at a time, typically using MPI libraries, will need to be built from source on Hamilton.