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Alternative Practice Days for Student Health Visitors and Student Midwives

Basis study day


DISC and Basis are pleased to offer alternative practice days for student health visitors and midwives studying in the North East of England. These days are offered free of charge and will be held twice per year - before Christmas and in the spring. These will be in a hybrid format allowing for multiple levels of engagement.

There are two ways that you can participate in the alternative practice days, attend online only, or attend in-person.

Online only In-person
You will receive a link to a pre-recorded lecture which will be available to you once you sign up. You will also receive a zoom meeting link for a timetabled 'drop-in' session where we will discuss infant sleep research and share ideas for practice. You will receive a link to a pre-recorded online lecture when you register as well as attending Durham Infancy and Sleep Centre in-person to learn more about infant sleep research and share ideas for practice.

Our next practice day will be Wednesday 17th April, with an online call at 10am. If you would like to know more or sign up, please email 

To register for updates about future practice days sign up here: