Welcome to Public Health and Inequalities
Explore our range of research.
Durham Health and Social Theory Group
We are focused on regional, national and global trends such as climate change, health trends, community-based health programmes and health behaviours.
Urban Worlds
We are interested in what is 'new' about contemporary urbanism, including the techniques through which cities are governed, the how lives are lived.
Geographies of Life
The boundaries of life and non-life, and human and non-human life, are at stake across a range of contemporary scientific, social and economic.
Colonialism, Neo-colonialism and Ecology
Global discourses on the distributed responsibility of the current climate crisis often ignore the colonial histories of exploitation that continue.
Politics-State-Space (PSS)
Our research is inspired by the political urgencies of the present, while seeking broader historical contexts and conceptual links.
InSPIRE Air Quality and Brain Health Consortium
Our vision is for everyone in the UK to be able to breathe clean air that promotes a healthy brain and cognitive life.
FUSE The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health
Our mission is to transform health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities through the conduct of world-class public health research.
Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLS)
Innovative teaching and dialogue on the ethical, social and regulatory issues raised by the life sciences, such as issues relating to biotechnology.
Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North East & North Cumbria
Our vision is to deliver 'better, fairer health and care at all ages and in all places' organised around seven key research themes.
Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience
Our research encompasses a range of academic disciplines, including the physical and social sciences and the arts and humanities.
Physical Activity and Health Inequalities
We make a difference by addressing inequalities, promoting social justice, and ensuring better health and wellbeing through sport and exercise.