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Welcome to Childhood and Healthy Ageing

Explore our range of research.

Youth Academy

What happens in our youth has ramifications for the rest of our lives in terms of physical and mental health, education, economic and social status.
A young black girl in a class with coloured paper and pencils

Durham Infancy and Sleep Centre

Our research covers a broad range of disciplines, including infant and child sleep ecology, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and parental sleep.
A baby sleeping with a teddy bear

FUSE The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health

Our mission is to transform health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities through the conduct of world-class public health research.
People walking and cycling along a pathway looking from behind

Health and Social Theory Group

Concepts include citizenship, the social contract and voice, self-rated health and evidence; social complexity and identity, and equity and equality.
A young woman checking an older woman's blood pressure

FUSE Research on Childhood and Adolescence

The Early Life and Adolescence Programme looks to improve the health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families through research.
Three young children from behind with their arms stretched to the sides

Animal Cells and Systems

Answering the fundamental biological questions, most of which underpin biomedical interests relevant to the bioeconomy, such as age-related disease.
An illustration of a neuron

Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLS)

Innovative teaching and dialogue on the ethical, social and regulatory issues raised by the life sciences, such as issues relating to biotechnology.
A woman standing in front of the ocean with her hands in the air.

Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing

Our mission is to encourage and support high calibre interdisciplinary research to understand and address human health challenges.
A man wearing brain technology to monitor activity.