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IMH Hosts London Workshop with Mental Health-Focused Voluntary Sector Organisations and Durham University Researchers

The Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH), in partnership with the National Survivor User Network (NSUN), were proud to host a roundtable discussion with mental health-focused organisations in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, alongside Durham University researchers, in London on 29 June. The purpose of the event was to inform and shape the Institute’s future strategy for developing and sustaining long-term partnerships and research exchanges within the VCSE sector.
Five people sat conversing around a table together

IMH Welcomes New NNMHR ECR Development Lead, Dr James Rákóczi

Following on from the successful work of Dr Christy Slobogin, the Northern Network for Medical Humanities (NNMHR) and Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH) welcomes Dr James Rákóczi to the role of Early-Career Researcher (ECR) Development Lead. IMH thanks Christy for all her efforts and wishes James the best of luck in this new endeavour.
Dr James Rákóczi

IMH Response to the UKRI Consultation on the ‘New Deal’ for Postgraduate Research

The Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH) respond to the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Consultation on a ‘New Deal’ for the future of Postgraduate Research (PGR).

Dr Chase Ledin Appointed as The Polyphony’s New Editor-in-Chief

Following on from the successful work of Dr Fred Spence, The Polyphony and Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH) welcomes former Associate Editor, Dr Chase Ledin, to the role of Editor-in-Chief for The Polyphony. IMH thanks Fred for all their efforts as Editor-in-Chief and wishes Chase the best of luck in this new endeavour.
Dr Chase Ledin

Encouraging writers to present an accurate view of self-harm

We’ve created new resources designed to help writers present an accurate view of people at risk of self-harm.
A couple holding hands in a comforting way

IMH Special Bulletin April 2022 - our new MA in Medical Humanities

In a special edition of our bulletin we announce the new interdisciplinary MA in Medical Humanities led by IMH and the Department of English Studies at Durham University. We also introduce the first lecturer in Medical Humanities at Durham University.
Light bulb image for IMH MA Medical Humanities

New Masters in Medical Humanities at Durham University

Durham University’s Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH) is delighted to announce the launch of a new suite of Postgraduate Degrees in Medical Humanities offering a range of options for students. Applications are now open for a October 2022 start!
Light bulb image for IMH MA Medical Humanities

Dr Louise Creechan selected as 2022 New Generation Thinker – the UK’s most promising and exciting early career researchers

Every year, BBC Radio 3 and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) hold a nationwide search for academics with new ideas that will resonate with a wider audience. These New Generation Thinkers represent some of the brightest scholars in the country and their research has the potential to redefine our understanding of an array of topics, from our history to the way we speak.
Louise Creechan - BBC New Generation Thinker

Adam Powell appointed as first IMH 'Lecturer in Medical Humanities'

IMH are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Adam Powell as the Institute’s first ever Lecturer in Medical Humanities. Adam will play a central role in the delivery of a new suite of taught postgraduate programmes in Medical Humanities.
Dr Adam Powell

Research inspired play challenges stigma of hearing voices

Our research has inspired a new stage play about how we all live with the voices in our heads.
An actor performs a play inspired by Hearing the Voice

March 2022 IMH Bulletin

In the latest edition of our regular bulletin, new IMH Director Angela Woods welcomes a whole host of new staff, research fellows, and Polyphony editors which mark an exciting future for the Institute. We also feature a new publication on 'Menopausal symptoms and work'.
Painting of a woman reading a book

May 2021 IMH Bulletin

In the latest edition of our regular bulletin, we welcome new recruits to our thriving research community, and invite those of you with research interests to join our public engagement workshops. We also introduce you to The Observatory, our new public involvement group.