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Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board is a group of critical friends representing a range of disciplines and international institutions. They contribute to our work by

  • Commenting on the effectiveness of our vision and mission
  • Providing strategic insight and advice with respect to the activities, infrastructure, development and national and international profile of IMH
  • Connecting us with leading interdisciplinary and international networks in and beyond the medical humanities
  • Taking the role of critical friend and champion for the work of the IMH to ensure that our work is of real benefit

Advisory Board members are appointed by invitation for an initial three-year term.


IMH Advisory Board Current Members

Name Organisation

Dr Hannah Bradby 

Uppsala University
Tara Case Newcastle System in the NHS North East and North Cumbria
Prof. Des Fitzgerald University College Cork
Dr Sarah Hughes Mind
Dr Wajid Khan South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Prof. Laurie Maguire University of Oxford
Dr Carla Tsampiras University of Cape Town
Prof. Jonathan Metzl Vanderbilt University
Dr Ericka Johnson Linköping University
Akiko Hart Liberty