The NENC ARC aims to improve the health of our population and provide the kind of support that will enable people in the North East and North Cumbria to experience the same health outcomes as people in other parts of England. It is a partnership that brings together 6 regional universities, the NHS, Health and social care providers, local authorities, the voluntary sector, community groups, members of the public and others.
Working together, the NENC ARC vision is to deliver 'better, fairer health and care at all ages and in all places' - and their work is organised around seven key research themes. To visit the main ARC NENC website please click here.
She completed her PhD in 2017, and subsequently worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Exeter Medical School and at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (a psychiatric teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto). She has experience in psychological, clinical and health services research.
Her current research interests are in the areas of mental health, psychological medicine and health psychology. She is particularly interested in factors influencing the development and maintenance of depression in people with chronic physical illnesses, and in the impact of comorbidities on health and treatment outcomes. Leanne will therefore be working across all ARC themes.
Below you will find details of the Durham University Theme Leads and Theme Members.
Inequalities and marginalised communities
Prevention, early intervention and behaviour change
Multimorbidity, ageing and frailty
Supporting children and families
Integrating physical health, mental health and social care
Knowledge mobilisation and implementation
Enabling methodologies