Staff profile
Dr Andrea Giannotti
Teaching Fellow
Affiliation |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Classics and Ancient History |
Andrea Giannotti is Teaching Fellow in Classics in the Department of Classics & Ancient History of Durham University, where he received his PhD Degree in July 2019 with a thesis entitled 'The Pre-Play Ceremonies of the Athenian Great Dionysia: A Reappraisal', supervised by P.S. Horky, Andrea Capra, and the late P.J. Rhodes, and planned to be published in 2024/2025. Before taking over this role, Andrea Giannotti has been Postdoctoral Researcher at the Italian Institute for Historical Studies ‘Benedetto Croce’ in Naples (2021-2023), and is currently Executive Member of the International Centre for Studies in Ancient Theatre of the University of Turin and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Humanities of the University of Turin. He is also member-contributor of the epigraphic Axon Project of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and member-contributor of Attic Inscriptions Online.
His areas of specialisation are Greek tragedy (mainly Aeschylus and Euripides), Greek history and epigraphy, on which he has published several papers and delivered many talks, lectures, and presentations. His most recent interests include cognitive studies, alternative memory, and digital humanities in Classics.His commented Italian edition of Euripides’ ‘Suppliant Women’ (with an introduction of Andrea Capra) was published in April 2023 with the Milan press ‘BUR Rizzoli’ - Euripides' 'Children of Heracles' will be published in 2025 by the same press. Also, the 'Letters of the Pseudo-Euripides' (jointly authored with G.A. Gazis) will be published in 2025 by LUP (Aris & Phillips).
For a full list of his publications, take a look at his Academia profile (
Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2-3PM (Room 207); always available to arrange online meetings.
Research interests
- Ancient Greek tragedy, history and politics
Authored book
Book review
- Giannotti, A. (online). 'Mulroy (D.) (trans.) Aeschylus: Agamemnon. Pp. xliv + 81. Madison. WI and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2016. Paper, US$12.95. ISBN: 978-0-299-30634-2', CR 67(1) (2017), 305
- Giannotti, A. (2019). 'Shaw (C.A.) Euripides: Cyclops. A Satyr Play. Pp. xiv + 158 ills. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. Cased, £85. ISBN: 978-1-4742-4579-1', CR 69(2) (2019), 383-385. Classical Review,
Chapter in book
- Giannotti, A. (2022). A. Giannotti, 'Something to Do with Epigraphy? The "Aegeus Episode" in Euripides' Medea and the Honorific Dimension of Athenian Tragedy', in D. Leão, D. Ferreira, N.S. Rodrigues, R. Morais (eds), Our Beloved Polites: Studies Presented to Peter J. Rhodes, Oxford 2022, 314-321.
- Giannotti, A. (2021). '(Un)Masking the πόλις: The Pre-Play Ceremonies of the Athenian Great Dionysia as Theatrical Performances?', in E. Paillard, S. Milanezi (eds), Greek Theatre and Metatheatre: Definitions, Problems, Limits, Berlin 2021, 29-62.
- Giannotti, A. (2021). 'Per un'analisi intertestuale delle fonti della battaglia di Delio: Tucidide (4.89-101) e le Supplici di Euripide (650-730)', in O. Devillers, B.B. Sebastiani (eds), Sources et modèles des historiens anciens 2, Bordeaux 2021, 31-44.
- Giannotti, A. (2019). 'Teseo e l'araldo tebano: Atene e non-Atene a confronto (Eur. Suppl. 399-584)', in V. Ferrigno, S. Gorla, C. Larocca, M. Paris, E. Santilli, F. Sciolette (eds), Alter/Ego. Confronti e scontri nella definizione dell'Altro e nella determinazione dell'Io, Macerata 2019, 75-87.
- Giannotti, A. (2018). '"Cose orribili a dirsi, cose orribili a vedersi": la paura politica nelle Eumenidi di Eschilo', in M. De Poli (ed.), Il teatro delle emozioni: la paura, Padova 2018, 195-216.
Edited book
Journal Article
- Giannotti, A. (online). A. Giannotti, 'Decreto onorario ateniese per Aristosseno', Axon 6(2) (2022), 29-46
- Giannotti, A. (online). 'Lycurg. Leoc. 97-101 e la παιδεία di un frammento euripideo (fr. 360 K. = 12 Sonnino)', FsS 0 (2019), 177-200
- Giannotti, A. (online). 'Being Good Towards the People or the Democracy? The Formulation of Fifth-Century BCE Honorific Decrees', Mnemosyne 73(1) (2020), 1-20
- Giannotti, A., & Proietti, G. (online). 'Legge di Taso sugli onori riservati ai caduti in guerra e alle loro famiglie', Axon 5(1) (2021), 123-154
- Giannotti, A. (online). 'Religion, State, and Democracy: A Reappraisal to the 5th-Cent. B.C. Libations to Dionysus in the Theatre Attested in Plut. Cim. 8.8-9', Historiká 10 (2020), 11-44
- Giannotti, A. (2023). 'The πόλις Between Fear and Respect. A Reassessment of Menelaus' Speech in Sophocles Ajax'. Dionysus ex machina, 14, 13-41
- Giannotti, A., & Proietti, G. (2021). Legge di Taso sugli onori ai caduti in guerra e alle loro famiglie. Axon, 5(1), 123-154.
- Giannotti, A. (2021). 'Debating Honor in Fifth-Century BCE Athens: Towards a Comparative and Intra-Disciplinary Perspective'. Primerjalna književnost (Tiskana izd.), 44(2), 39-52
- Giannotti, A. (2021). Debating Honor in Fifth-Century BCE Athens: Towards a Comparative and Intradisciplinary Approach. Primerjalna književnost (Tiskana izd.), 44(2), 39-52.