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Professor Anthony Mcgregor


Professor in the Department of Psychology
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing


My research is concerned with the fundamental mechanisms underlying complex non-human animal cognition. In particular I am interested in the psychological processes involved in spatial learning and cognition. I try to answer these questions using approaches derived from experimental psychology, behavioural neuroscience, and ethology. Rodents are ideal subjects for such research. They are extremely adept in their navigational ability, there is a wealth of knowledge behind the behavioural and neural basis of spatial learning in rodents, and the experimenter can ensure they are experimentally naïve at the beginning of experiments. Broadly I am interested in three questions regarding spatial learning: 1. What is the nature of an animal’s representation of space; 2. What are the rules that govern how learning based on spatial information progresses; 3. What are the neural substrates of spatial learning.

In addition, I am interested in translating the results of my research with animals to understanding similar problems with humans. I am also interested more broadly in animal cognition.


Chapter in book

Journal Article

Supervision students