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Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry+44 (0) 191 33 44881


Research interests

The Mahon group explore the interface between materials science and biological chemistry. By combining our expertise in synthetic polymer chemistry and biology, we develop new materials which can interact with biological systems to perform functions in the detection and capture of pathogens, or to provide new information about how biological recognition systems work. Concurrently, we develop sustainable new materials by exploring new avenues in polymer synthesis and controlled degradation.

Clare was awarded her PhD at Newcastle University in 2014, where she worked with Dr David A. Fulton establishing new methods of ‘training’ synthetic polymers to recognise proteins and other macromolecules. She then spent two years at the University of Leeds on an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship, working with Prof. Bruce Turnbull to develop responsive synthetic polymers which interact with bacterial toxins. In 2017 she took up a Marie-Skłodowska Curie Global Fellowship, held at the University of Sydney, Australia, and the University of York, UK. During this time Clare worked with Dr Elizabeth J. New and Dr Markus Müllner-Bačvić, focussed on applying differential sensing approaches to the identification of carbohydrate-binding proteins. In October 2019, Clare moved to Durham to start her own group as Assistant Professor in Synthetic Organic Chemistry.

Current vacancies and research opportunities

We welcome enquiries about research opportunities in the group at all levels. Contact Clare to discuss potential projects.

Research interests

  • Biological chemistry
  • Molecular recognition
  • Polymer chemistry


Journal Article

Supervision students