Staff profile
Dr Craig Stewart
Associate Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science | +44 (0) 191 33 40418 |
MDS Director in the Faculty of Science |
Dr Stewart has worked in the areas of HCI, Serious Games, Personalised Systems, Multimedia and Cultural Studies in research and education for over 25 years. Dr Stewart's doctoral research (entitled A Cultural Education Model: Design and Implementation of Adaptive Multimedia Interfaces in eLearning) consists of examining the effect that technology enhanced learning is having on cultural education and how HCI influences this.
Research interests
- Adaptive Systems
- User modelling
- Personalised Systems
- elearning
- Cultural Studies
Chapter in book
- Alamri, A., Sun, Z., Cristea, A. I., Steward, C., & Pereira, F. D. (2021). MOOC next week dropout prediction: weekly assessing time and learning patterns. In A. I. Cristea, & C. Troussas (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 17th International Conference, ITS 2021, Virtual Event, June 7–11, 2021, Proceedings (119-130). Springer Verlag.
- Alamri, A., Alshehri, M., Cristea, A. I., Pereira, F. D., Oliveira, E., Shi, L., & Stewart, C. (2019). Predicting MOOCs Dropout Using Only Two Easily Obtainable Features from the First Week’s Activities. In A. Coy, Y. Hayashi, & M. Chang (Eds.), Intelligent tutoring systems. ITS 2019 (163-173). Springer Verlag.
- Shi, L., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. (2015). Students as Customers: Participatory Design for Adaptive Web 3.0. In P. Isaías, P. Kommers, & T. Issa (Eds.), The Evolution of the Internet in the Business Sector: Web 1.0 to Web 3.0 (306-331). IGI Global.
- Ashman, H., Brailsford, T., Burnett, G., Goulding, J., Moore, A., Stewart, C., & Truran, M. (2007). User interface challenges for the World Wide Web. In Human-Computer Interaction Handbook (559-572). CRC Press
- Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. (2006). Automatic authoring of adaptive educational hypermedia. In Web-based intelligent e-learning systems: Technologies and applications (24-55). IGI Global
- Cristea, A., & Stewart, C. (2006). Authoring of adaptive hypermedia. In Advances in web-based education: Personalized learning environments (225-252). IGI Global
Conference Paper
- Fern, N., Cristea, A. I., Nolan, S., & Stewart, C. (2024, June). Doctoral Colloquium—How Interactivity and Presence Affect Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Mixed Methods Study Design. Presented at 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
- Al Saqaabi, A., Stewart, C., Akrida, E., & Cristea, A. I. (2024, June). Paraphrase Generation and Identification at Paragraph-Level. Presented at Generative Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Nagai, T., Klem, S., Kayama, M., Asuke, T., Meccawy, M., Wang, J., Cristea, A. I., Stewart, C. D., & Shi, L. (2023, May). PICA-PICA: Exploring a Customisable Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Smooth Combination of Programming, Engineering and Art. Presented at 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Kuwait
- Alsheri, M. A., Alamri, A., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. D. (2021, September). Forum-based Prediction of Certification in Massive Open Online Courses. Presented at 29th International Conference on Information systems and Development (ISD2021), Valencia, Spain
- Toda, A., Klock, A. C. T., Palomino, P. T., Rodrigues, L., Oliveira, W., Stewart, C., Cristea, A. I., Gasparini, I., & Isotani, S. (2020, October). GamiCSM: relating education, culture and gamification - a link between worlds. Presented at 19th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Diamantina, Brazil
- Cristea, A., Alshehri, M., Alamri, A., Kayama, M., Stewart, C., & Shi, L. (2018, October). How is learning fluctuating? FutureLearn MOOCs fine-grained temporal Analysis and Feedback to Teachers. Presented at 27th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2018)., Lund
- Cristea, A., Alamri, A., Kayama, M., Stewart, C., Alsheri, M., & Shi, L. (2018, October). Earliest Predictor of Dropout in MOOCs: A Longitudinal Study of FutureLearn Courses. Presented at 27th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2018)., Lund, Sweden
- Cristea, A. I., Alamri, A., Alshehri, M., Kayama, M., Foss, J., Shi, L., & Stewart, C. D. (2018, December). Can Learner Characteristics Predict Their Behaviour on MOOCs?. Presented at 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers - ICETC '18, Tokyo
- Cristea, A. I., Alamri, A., Kayama, M., Stewart, C., Alshehri, M., & Shi, L. (2018, August). Earliest Predictor of Dropout in MOOCs: A Longitudinal Study of FutureLearn Courses. Presented at 27th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2018)., Lund, Sweden
- Cristea, A. I., Alamri, A., Kayama, M., Stewart, C., Alshehri, M., & Shi, L. (2018, December). How is Learning Fluctuating? FutureLearn MOOCs Fine-grained Temporal Analysis and Feedback to Teachers and Designers. Presented at 27th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2018), Lund, Sweden
- Alshehri, M., Foss, J., Cristea, A. I., Kayama, M., Shi, L., Alamri, A., & Tsakalidis, A. (2018, June). On the need for fine-grained analysis of Gender versus Commenting Behaviour in MOOCs. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Information and Education Innovations (ICIEI'18), London
- Alamri, A., Rusby, H., Cristea, A. I., Khan, J., Shi, L., & Stewart, C. (2018, June). An intuitive Authoring System for a Personalised, Social, Gamified, Visualisation-supporting e-learning System. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Information and Education Innovations (ICIEI'18), London
- John, S., Shah, N., & Stewart, C. (2018, December). Towards a Software Centric Approach for Ontology Development: Novel Methodology and its Application. Presented at 2018 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE) IEEE
- John, S., Shah, N., Stewart, C., & Samlov, L. (2017, December). Software Centric Innovative Methodology for Ontology Development. Presented at KEOD
- Thong, L. P., Stewart, C., Arnab, S., & Lameras, P. (2016, December). Virtual Designer: Digital Role-Playing Game for Knowledge Transferal in Design Education. Presented at European Conference on Games Based Learning Academic Conferences International Limited
- Gallear, W., Lameras, P., & Stewart, C. (2014, December). Serendipitous learning \& serious games: A Pilot Study. Presented at 2014 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL2014) IEEE
- Dunwell, I., de Freitas, S., Petridis, P., Hendrix, M., Arnab, S., Lameras, P., & Stewart, C. (2014, December). A game-based learning approach to road safety: the code of everand. Presented at Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM
- Stewart, C., Hensman, J., de Freitas, S., & More, B. (2013, December). Hendrix, M., Lameras, P., Petridis, P., Dunwell, I., Arnab, S. Presented at Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE)
- Lei, S., Cristea, A. I., Awan, M. S. K., Hendrix, M., & Stewart, C. (2013, December). Towards understanding learning behavior patterns in social adaptive personalized e-learning systems. Presented at AMCIS
- Lameras, P., Petridis, P., Dunwell, I., Hendrix, M., Arnab, S., de Freitas, S., & Stewart, C. (2013, December). A game-based approach for raising awareness on sustainability issues in public spaces. Presented at The Spring Servitization Conference: Servitization in the multi-organisation enterprise
- Dunwell, I., Lameras, P., Stewart, C., Petridis, P., Arnab, S., Hendrix, M., de Freitas, S., Gaved, M., Schuller, B., & Paletta, L. (2013, December). Developing a digital game to support cultural learning amongst immigrants. Presented at In Proc. 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2013) in conjunction with the 8th Foundations of Digital Games
- Scotton, J., Stewart, C., & Cristea, A. I. (2011, December). ADE: The Adaptive Display Environment for Adaptive Hypermedia. Presented at Proceedings of the ACM Hypertext 2011 International Conference
- Stewart, C., Brailsford, T., Chandramouli, K., & Cristea, A. I. (2010, December). The CAE-L cultural framework: Definition, instances and web service. Presented at 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies IEEE
- Hendrix, M., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. (2009, December). Adaptation languages for learning: the CAM meta-model. Presented at 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies IEEE
- Ghali, F., Cristea, A. I., Stewart, C., & Hendrix, M. (2008, December). Collaborative adaptation authoring and social annotation in MOT. Presented at A3H: Sixth International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Hypermedia
- Stewart, C., Chandramouli, K., Cristea, A., Brailsford, T., & Izquierdo, E. (2008, December). Cultural artefacts in education: Analysis, ontologies and implementation. Presented at 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering IEEE
- Chandramouli, K., Stewart, C., Brailsford, T., & Izquierdo, E. (2008, December). CAE-L: An ontology modelling cultural behaviour in adaptive education. Presented at 2008 Third International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization IEEE
- Stewart, C. (2007, December). The Role of Culture in Online Education: as an input for the authoring process. Presented at User Modelling (UM) conference, A3H workshop
- Cristea, A., Stewart, C., & Sirmakessis, S. (2006, December). Adaptivity, personalization, and the semantic web. Presented at Proceedings of the joint international workshop on Adaptivity, personalization \& the Semantic Web ACM
- Meccawy, M., Stewart, C., & Ashman, H. (2006, December). Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Content Creation: A Web Service based Architecture. Presented at A3EH, 5th Adaptive Authoring for Educational Hypermedia, Workshop AH
- Stewart, C., & Izquierdo, E. (2006, December). Knowledge Space of Semantic Inference for Automatic Annotation and retrieval of Multimedia Content - 'K-Space'. Presented at Poster and Demo Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies
- Stewart, C., Cristea, A., Celik, I., & Ashman, H. (2006, December). Interoperability between AEH user models. Presented at Proceedings of the joint international workshop on Adaptivity, personalization \& the semantic web ACM
- Brown, E., Stewart, C., & Brailsford, T. (2006, December). Adapting for visual and verbal learning styles in AEH. Presented at Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06) IEEE
- Cristea, A., De Bra, P., Burgos, D., Ceri, S., Davis, H. C., Dolog, P., Kravcik, M., Naeve, A., Nejdl, W., Romero, C., Stewart, C., & others. (2006, December). Interfacing adaptive solutions with corporate training systems. Presented at PROLEARN Deliverable 1.6,\&rep=rep1\&type=pdf
- Bourguet, M.-L., Stewart, C., Cox, B., Lefevre, D., & Kinshuk, D. (2006, December). Adaptive learning environments to overcome cultural and language barriers to learning. Presented at Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2006)
- Meccawy, M., Celik, I., Cristea, A., Stewart, C., & Ashman, H. (2006, December). Interoperable adaptive educational hypermedia: a web service definition. Presented at Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06) IEEE
- Power, G., Davis, H. C., Cristea, A. I., Stewart, C., & Ashman, H. (2005, December). Goal oriented personalisation with SCORM. Presented at Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05) IEEE
- Cristea, A., Ashman, H., Stewart, C., & Cristea, P. (2005, December). Evaluation of adaptive hypermedia systems' conversion. Presented at Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia ACM
- Moore, A., Stewart, C., Martin, D., Brailsford, T., & Ashman, H. (2004, December). Links for learning: linking for an adaptive learning environment. Presented at IASTED Intl Conference on Web-Based Education
- Moore, A., Brailsford, T., Campus, J., Nottingham, N., Stewart, C., & Davies, P. (2003, December). Authoring for adaptive presentation. Presented at Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education, Valencia, Spain
- Stewart, C., Brailsford, T., & Ashman, H. (2003, December). Internationalization for Technology Based Learning Resources. Presented at 23 rd Internationalization and Unicode Conference
- Zakaria, M. R., Moore, A., Stewart, C. D., & Brailsford, T. J. (2003, December). " Pluggable" user models for adaptive hypermedia in education. Presented at Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia: Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia
- Moore, A., Stewart, C., Zakaria, M., & Brailsford, T. (2003, December). WHURLE-an adaptive remote learning framework. Presented at International conference on Engineering Education (ICEE-2003), July
- Zakaria, M. R., Moore, A., Ashman, H., Stewart, C., & Brailsford, T. (2002, December). The hybrid model for adaptive educational hypermedia. Presented at International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
- Moore, A., Brailsford, T. J., & Stewart, C. D. (2001, December). Personally tailored teaching in WHURLE using conditional transclusion. Presented at Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia ACM
Doctoral Thesis
- Stewart, C. (2012). A cultural education model: design and implementation of adaptive multimedia interfaces in eLearning. (Thesis). University of Nottingham.
- Celik, I., Stewart, C., & Ashman, H. (2006). Interoperability as an aid to authoring: Accessing user models in multiple AEH systems. (Thesis). CiteSeerX.
- Ashman, H. L., Brailsford, T., Martin, D., Moore, A., & Stewart, C. (2003). Proxy-based linking in an adaptive Web-based Integrated Learning Environment. (Thesis). ACTA Press.
Journal Article
- Dolog, P., Kravcik, M., Cristea, A., & Stewart, C. (online). Specification, authoring and prototyping of personalized workplace learning solutions
- Khan, J., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. (online). Adaptive Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia towards, Role-based, Adaptive Authoring
- Brailsford, T., Ashman, H., Stewart, C., Zakaria, M. R., & Moore, A. (online). User control of adaptation in an automated web-based learning environment
- Cristea, A. I., Stewart, C., Brailsford, T., & Cristea, P. (online). Evaluation of Interoperability of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems: testing the MOT to WHURLE conversion in a classroom setting
- Stewart, C., Cristea, A. I., Brailsford, T., & Ashman, H. (online). 'Authoring once, delivering many': creating reusable adaptive courseware
- Stewart, C., Cristea, A., Moore, A., Brailsford, T., & Ashman, H. (online). Authoring and delivering adaptive courseware
- Brailsford, T. J., Moore, A., Stewart, C. D., Zakaria, M. R., Choo, B. S., & Davies, P. (online). Towards a framework to effective web-based distributed learning
- Brailsford, T. J., Stewart, C. D., Zakaria, M. R., & Moore, A. (online). Autonavigation, links and narrative in an adaptive web-based integrated learning environment
- Ghali, F., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. (online). My online teacher 2.0
- Ashman, H., Brailsford, T., Burnett, G., Goulding, J., Moore, A., Stewart, G., & Truran, M. (online). HCI and the Web
- Cristea, A. I., Carro, R. M., & Stewart, C. D. (online). Advances in authoring of adaptive web-based systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science,
- Montgomery, C., Stewart, C., Aduragba, O., & Poli, F. (2024). Unveiling crisis in globalised higher education: Artificial intelligence insights from doctoral research in EThOS. Higher Education Quarterly, 78(4), Article e12537.
- Cristea, A. I., Alamri, A., Alshehri, M., Dwan Pereira, F., Toda, A. M., Harada T. de Oliveira, E., & Stewart, C. (2024). The engage taxonomy: SDT-based measurable engagement indicators for MOOCs and their evaluation. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 34(2), 323-374.
- Alshehri, M., Alamri, A., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. D. (2021). Towards Designing Profitable Courses: Predicting Student Purchasing Behaviour in MOOCs. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31(2), 215-233.
- Lameras, P., Arnab, S., Dunwell, I., Stewart, C., Clarke, S., & Petridis, P. (2017). Essential features of serious games design in higher education: Linking learning attributes to game mechanics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(4), 972-994
- Ashman, H., Brailsford, T., Cristea, A., Sheng, Q. Z., Stewart, C., Toms, E. G., & Wade, V. (2014). The ethical and social implications of personalization technologies for e-learning. Information and Management, 51(6), 819-832.
- Hendrix, M., Dunwell, I., Lameras, P., Arnab, S., Petridis, P., Stewart, C., De Freitas, S., Backlund, P., & Liarokapis, F. (2013). Serious games and e-learning standards: Towards an integrated experience
- Stewart, C. (2008). Authoring \& Culture in Online Education
- Meccawy, M., Stewart, C. D., & Ashman, H. (2007). Adaptive educational hypermedia interoperability and content creation with a web service-based architecture. International Journal of Learning Technology, 3(3), 269-285
- Cristea, A., Stewart, C., Brailsford, T., & Cristea, P. (2007). Adaptive Hypermedia System Interoperability: a'real world'evaluation
- Brown, E., Cristea, A., Stewart, C., & Brailsford, T. (2005). Patterns in authoring of adaptive educational hypermedia: A taxonomy of learning styles. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 8(3), 77-90
- Williams, B., & Stewart, C. (2005). Formal online discussions: reflections on process. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 8(1), 1-7
Supervision students
Arwa Al saqaabi
Postgraduate Student
Nicola Fern
Senior Digital Learning Developer