Staff profile
Professor Dan Smith
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Psychology | +44 (0) 191 33 40436 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 40436 |
Research Interests
My research examines the interaction between the motor system, specifically the oculomotor system, and cognitive processes such as attention, working memory and motivation. My goal is to understand how activity in the motor system helps resolve competition between different representations in the visual system. I also try to apply these findings to developing news ways to understand and rehabilitate neuropsycholigcal disorders such as Hemianopia, Neglect and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). I use a variety of techniques, including neuropsychological studies of people with neurological impairments, lab-based studies with healthy participants, eye-tracking and neurostimulation (TMS / TDCS). I am also interested in motivation, in particular the effect of goals on persistence in athletes. You can follow my progress on twitter @AttentionLab.
Research interests
- Attention & Memory in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- Neurorehabilitation of visual field defects
- Visual attention
- Oculomotor control
- Goals and motivation in sport
Esteem Indicators
- 2023: Visual cognition and oculomotor control in neurodegenerative diseases: Symposium at FESN 2023 Organiser: Prof Daniel T. Smith Speakers: Dr Luca Wollenberg (Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany) Dr Alexis Cheviet (Durham University, UK) Prof Trevor Crawford (Lancaster University, UK) Prof Chrystalina Antoniades (Oxford University, UK)
- 2022: BPS NWVC: What can cognitive neuropsychology tell us about the role of the oculomotor system in covert attention?
- 2021: Action Editor MDPI Vision: MDPI Vision
- 2020: External Examiner, School of Psychology, University of Stirling: BSc Psychology
- 2020: Guest editor for 'Cortex': Special Issue on Cognitive and Motor Processes in Visuospatial Attention with Dr Soazig Casteau, Prof Stefan van der Stigchel and Prof Thomas Schenk
- 2019: Cognitive and Motor Processes in Spatial Attention: As part of our Open Research Area grant “Control of Attention by the Motor System: A Motor Bias Theory of Attention” we (Dan & Soazig) hosted a workshop exploring interactions between attention, working memory and motor control at the Department of Psychology, Durham University.
- 2019: Are cognitive processes embodied in the motor system (PSYPAG, Sheffield Hallam): Keynote address at PSYPAG 2019 in Sheffield Hallam University
- 2018: External Examiner, School of Psychology, Bangor University : MSc Clinical & Health Psychology and MSc Prinicples of Clinical Neuropsychology
- 2017: Workshop on Reflexive Attentional Shift' (Sheffield University):
- 2016: Conference on Oculomotor Readiness & Covert Attention: I organised and hosted a two day workshop for 60 delegates in Durham, sponsored by Experimental Psychology Society.
- 2015: BPS William Inman Prize: BPS William Inman Prize for our paper on neurorehabilitation of hemianopia
- 2015: External Examiner, Dept. of Psychology, Abertay University: BSc Psychology
- 2014: ESRC peer review college:
Chapter in book
Journal Article
- Philyaw, K., Smith, D., & Covey, J. (online). How do goal orientations and motivational climate interact to affect short-term performance and self-confidence in sport? A test of the matching hypothesis across three studies. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,
- Casteau, S., & Smith, D. T. (2024). How does contextual information affect aesthetic appreciation and gaze behavior in figurative and abstract artwork?. Journal of Vision, 24(12), Article 8.
- McAteer, S. M., McAteer, S. M., McGregor, A., Smith, D. T., & Smith, D. T. (2024). Precision in spatial working memory examined with mouse pointing. Vision Research, 215, Article 108343.
- McAteer, S. M., Ablott, E., McGregor, A., & Smith, D. T. (2023). Dynamic resource allocation in spatial working memory during full and partial report tasks. Journal of Vision, 23(2), Article 10.
- Morgan, E. J., Smith, D. T., & Freeth, M. (2023). Gaze cueing, mental states, and the effect of autistic traits. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85(2), 485-493.
- McAteer, S. M., McGregor, A., & Smith, D. T. (2023). Oculomotor rehearsal in visuospatial working memory. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85(1), 261-275.
- Smith, D. T., Beierholm, U., & Avery, M. (2023). A presaccadic perceptual impairment at the postsaccadic location of the blindspot. PLoS ONE, 18(9), Article e0291582.
- Smith, D. T. (2022). A horizontal–vertical anisotropy in spatial short-term memory. Visual Cognition, 30(4), 245-253.
- Casteau, S., Lodge, R., Chalkley, M., Walker, R., & Smith, D. T. (2021). The presence of placeholders modulates the naso-temporal asymmetry in the remote distractor effect. Cortex, 141, 201-210.
- Smith, D., Casteau, S., & Archibald, N. (2021). Spatial Attention and Spatial Short Term Memory in PSP and Parkinson’s Disease. Cortex, 137, 49-60.
- Burgum, P., & Smith, D. T. (2021). Reduced mood variability is associated with enhanced performance during ultrarunnning. PLoS ONE, 16(9), Article e0256888.
- Knight, H. C., Smith, D. T., & Ellison, A. (2020). The Role of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Attentional Bias. Neuropsychologia, 148, Article 107631.
- Brockbank, R., Smith, D., & Oliver, E. (2020). Dispositional Goals and Academic Achievement: Refining the 2x2 Achievement Goal Model. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 16(1),
- Casteau, S., & Smith, D. (2020). On the link between attentional search and the oculomotor system: is pre-attentive search restricted to the range of eye movements?. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 82(2), 518-532.
- Smith, D., & Archibald, N. (2020). Spatial Working Memory in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Cortex, 122, 115-122.
- Casteau, S., & Smith, D. (2020). Covert Attention Beyond the Range of Eye-movements: Evidence for a Dissociation between Exogenous and Endogenous orienting. Cortex, 122, 170-186.
- Bailey-Ross, C., Beresford, A., Smith, D., & Warwick, C. (2019). Aesthetic Appreciation and Spanish Art: Insights from Eye-Tracking. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 34(Supplement 1), i17-i35.
- Dunne, S., Ellison, A., & Smith, D. (2019). The Limitations of Reward Effects on Saccade Latencies: An Exploration of Task-Specificity and Strength. Vision, 3(2), Article 20.
- Casteau, S., & Smith, D. (2019). Associations and Dissociations between Oculomotor Readiness and Covert Attention. Vision, 3(2), Article 17.
- Smith, D., & Casteau, S. (2019). The effect of offset cues on saccade programming and covert attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(3), 481-490.
- Knight, H. C., Smith, D. T., Knight, D. C., & Ellison, A. (2018). Light social drinkers are more distracted by irrelevant information from an induced attentional bias than heavy social drinkers. Psychopharmacology, 235(10), 2967-2978.
- Morgan, E. J., Freeth, M., & Smith, D. T. (2018). Mental State Attributions Mediate the Gaze Cueing Effect. Vision, 2(1), Article 11.
- Becker, L., Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2017). Investigating the familiarity effect in texture segmentation by means of event-related brain potentials. Vision Research, 140, 120-132.
- Cole, G., Atkinson, M., D’Souza, A., & Smith, D. (2017). Spontaneous Perspective Taking in Humans?. Vision, 1(17), 2-15.
- Smith, D. T., & Lane, A. R. (2016). Working memory enhances target detection in the blind hemifield. Visual Cognition, 25(1-3), 4-9.
- Cole, G., Atkinson, M., Le, A., & Smith, D. (2016). Do humans spontaneously take the perspective of others?. Acta Psychologica, 164, 165-168.
- Smith, D., Ball, K., Swalwell, R., & Schenk, T. (2016). Object-based attentional facilitation and inhibition are neuropsychologically dissociated. Neuropsychologia, 80, 9-16.
- Dunne, S., Ellison, A., & Smith, D. (2015). Rewards modulate saccade latency but not exogenous spatial attention. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 1080.
- Knight, H., Smith, D., Knight, D., & Ellison, A. (2015). Altering attentional control settings causes persistent biases of visual attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(1), 129-149.
- Cole, G., Smith, D., & Atkinson, M. (2015). Mental state attribution and the gaze cueing effect. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 77(4), 1105-1115.
- Pearson, D., Ball, K., & Smith, D. (2014). Oculomotor preparation as a rehearsal mechanism in spatial working memory. Cognition, 132(3), 416-428.
- Morgan, E., Ball, K., & Smith, D. (2014). The role of the oculomotor system in covert social attention. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76(5), 1265-1270.
- Ellison, A., Ball, K., Moseley, P., Dowsett, J., Smith, D., Weis, S., & Lane, A. (2014). Functional Interaction between Right Parietal and Bilateral Frontal Cortices during Visual Search Tasks Revealed Using Functional Magnetic Imaging and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. PLoS ONE, 9(4), Article e93767.
- Aimola, L., Lane, A. R., Smith, D. T., Kerkhoff, G., Ford, G. A., & Schenk, T. (2014). Efficacy and feasibility of home-based training for individuals with homonymous visual field defects. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28(3), 207-218.
- Smith, D., Ball, K., & Ellison, A. (2014). Covert visual search within and beyond the effective oculomotor range. Vision Research, 95, 11-17.
- Ball, K., Pearson, D., & Smith, D. (2013). Oculomotor involvement in spatial working memory is task-specific. Cognition, 129(2), 439-446.
- Lane, A., Ball, K., Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Ellison, A. (2013). Near and far space: understanding the neural mechanisms of spatial attention. Human Brain Mapping, 34(2), 356-366.
- Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Rorden, C. (2012). Saccade preparation is required for exogenous attention but not endogenous attention or IOR. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(6), 1438-1447.
- Smith, D., Ball, K., & Ellison, A. (2012). Inhibition of Return impairs phosphene detection. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(11), 2262-2267.
- Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2012). The Premotor theory of attention: Time to move on?. Neuropsychologia, 50(6), 1104-1114.
- Aimola, L., Rogers, G., Kerkoff, G., Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2012). Visuomotor adaptation is impaired in patients with unilateral neglect. Neuropsychologia, 50(6), 1158-1163.
- Lane, A., Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Ellison, A. (2012). The involvement of posterior parietal cortex and frontal eye fields in spatially primed visual search. Brain Stimulation, 5(1), 11-17.
- Lane, A., Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Ellison, A. (2011). The involvement of posterior parietal cortex in feature and conjunction visuomotor search. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(8), 1964-1972.
- Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2010). Inhibition of return exaggerates change blindness. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(11), 2231-2238.
- Ball, K., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search. Experimental Brain Research, 204(4), 585-594.
- Lane, A., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia. Brain, 133(6), 1717-1728.
- Smith, D., Ball, K., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1269-1276.
- Smith, D., Jackson, S., & Rorden, C. (2009). An intact eye-movement system is not required to generate Inhibition of Return. Journal of Neuropsychology, 3(2), 267-271.
- Carey, D., Smith, D., Martin, D., Smith, G., Skriver, J., Rutland, A., & Shepherd, J. (2009). The bi-pedal ape: Plasticity and asymmetry in footedness. Cortex, 45(5), 650-661.
- Rogers, G., Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2009). Immediate and delayed actions share a common visuomotor transformation mechanism: A prism adaptation study. Neuropsychologia, 47(6), 1546-1552.
- Ball, K., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2009). Both egocentric and allocentric cues support spatial priming in visual search. Neuropsychologia, 47(6), 1585-1591.
- Smith, D., Jackson, S., & Rorden, C. (2009). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over frontal eye fields disrupts visually cued auditory attention. Brain Stimulation, 2(2), 81-87.
- Smith, D., Lane, A., & Schenk, T. (2008). Arm position does not attenuate visual loss in patients with homonymous field deficits. Neuropsychologia, 46(9), 2320-2325.
- Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2008). Reflexive attention attenuates change blindness (but only briefly). Perception & psychophysics, 70(3), 489-495.
- Lane, A., Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2008). Clinical treatment options for patients with homonymous visual field defects. Clinical Ophthalmology, 2(1), 93-102.
- Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2007). Enhanced probe discrimination at the location of a colour singleton. Experimental Brain Research, 181(2), 367-375.
- Smith, D., Jackson, S., & Rorden, C. (2005). Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left human frontal eye fields eliminates the cost of invalid endogenous cues. Neuropsychologia, 43(9), 1288-1296.
- Jackson, S., Newport, R., Osborne, F., Wakely, R., Smith, D., & Walsh, V. (2005). Saccade-contingent spatial and temporal errors are absent for saccadic head movements. Cortex, 41(2), 205-212.
- Smith, D., Rorden, C., & Jackson, S. (2004). Exogenous orienting of attention depends upon the ability to execute eye movements. Current Biology, 14(9), 792-795.
- Carey, D., Smith, G., Smith, D., Shepherd, J., Skriver, J., Ord, L., & Rutland, A. (2001). Footedness in world soccer: an analysis of France '98. Journal of Sports Sciences, 19(11), 855-864