Staff profile
Professor Dorothy Monekosso
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Computer Science | +44 (0) 191 33 44767 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Other roles
2022: PGR Director (Durham University)
2019: Chief Technical Officer (CTO), 0.5FTE, More Life (UK) Ltd: More Life is a health and well being company providing services under contract to NHS England and various local authorities. The services include weight management and smoking cessation among others. The company has been operating for 20+ year with 160+ staff.
Short Bio
Dorothy Monekosso (PhD) is Professor of Computer Science and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at More Life UK Ltd. Dorothy holds a PhD (2000) in Spacecraft Engineering, a Master’s in Satellite Engineering from the Surrey Space Centre (University of Surrey) and Bachelor in Electronic Engineering. She began her career in space sector, developing on-board computers and control systems for spacecraft and satellites. Dorothy became interested in Artificial Intelligence during her PhD applying machine learning methods and techniques to spacecraft autonomy. On the basis of this work, she was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering, Engineering Foresight Award. Her current research applies the same techniques to develop innovative healthcare technologies. In 2020, she was awarded an honorary fellowship of the British Computer Society for work in assistive and rehabilitation technologies.
Social Media
Insights - automated analysis using sentiment analysis
More Life & Durham - Personalising weight management programmes (Innovate UK)
Healthy Lifestyle Programmes | MoreLife UK (
MRC - IAA "Technology Supported Rehabilitation Impact Evaluation Study" Virtual Physiotherapist - physiotherapy at home
MRC impact acceleration accounts (previously confidence in concept) – UKRI
Grow MedTech Virtual Physiotherapist could improve stroke recovery - Grow MedTech
Digital Twins in Health
Smart homes - Supporting independent living
- Activty recognition, behaviour modelling,
If you're interested in undertaking a research project at PhD, Masters, or a 3rd/4th year undergraduate project under my supervision in assistive and rehabilitations technologies, human digital twins, applications of machine learning to healthcare technologies, and digital health please get in touch.
Research interests
- Behaviour Analytics
- Digital Twin Computing
- Anomaly detection
- Data analytics: applications of machine learning to decision support systems in health
- Digital health: wearables, assistive and rehabilitation technologies, medical image analysis, clinical decision support
- Smart Environments & Cities: supporting people to live independently
Esteem Indicators
- 2022: Royal Society Diversity Committee - member:
- 2021: BCS - British Computer Society, Fellows Technical Advisory Group (F-TAG): BCS Fellows Technical Advisory Group (F-TAG) - member
- 2020: World Economic Forum:
- 2020: Commissioner at Digital Futures Commission: Commissioner at the Digital Futures Commission - a research collaboration of unique organisations that invites innovators, policy makers, regulators, academics and civil society, to unlock digital innovation in the interests of children and young people.
- 2019: Expert Evaluator: R&I Projects Unit, Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus
Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Riga, Latvia
National Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
HORIZON2020 - 2019: Research Impact: Promoting the diversity of impacts that Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation can deliver at the RE Connecting Capability Fund’s Technology & Talent Showcase at
- 2019: UKRI - Peer Review College / SIFT Panel Member: Future Leaders Fellowships SIFT Panel Member
Chapter in book
- Espina, M. V., Grech, R., De Jager, D., Remagnino, P., Iocchi, L., Marchetti, L., Nardi, D., Monekosso, D., Nicolescu, M., & King, C. (2011). Multi-robot Teams for Environmental Monitoring. In P. Remagnino, D. Monekosso, & L. Jain (Eds.), INNOVATIONS IN DEFENCE SUPPORT SYSTEMS - 3: INTELLIGENT PARADIGMS IN SECURITY (183-209)
- Zhan, B., Monekosso, D. N., Remagnino, P., Velastin, S. A., & Rush, S. (2009). Augmenting Professional Training, an Ambient Intelligence Approach. In D. Monekosso, P. Remagnino, & Y. Kuno (Eds.), Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications (105-121). Springer.
- Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009). Anomalous Behavior Detection: Supporting Independent Living. In D. Monekosso, P. Remagnino, & Y. Kuno (Eds.), Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications (33-48). Springer.
- Zhan, B., Remagnino, P., Monekosso, D., & Velastin, S. (2009). The Analysis of Crowd Dynamics: From Observations to Modelling. In C. Mumford, & L. Jain (Eds.), COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: COLLABORATION, FUSION AND EMERGENCE (441-472)
- Monekosso, D. N., Remagnino, P., & Kuno, Y. (2009). Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications. In D. Monekosso, P. Remagnino, & Y. Kuno (Eds.), Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications (1-11).
Conference Paper
- Stephens, C. A., & Monekosso, D. (2024, June). Usability and safety for a virtual physiotherapy rehabilitation system: a pilot study. Presented at PETRA '24: The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference, Crete Greece
- Herrera, V., Reyes-Guzmán, A., Vallejo, D., Castro-Schez, J., Monekosso, D., Carlos, G.-M., & Albusac, J. (2024, April). Advanced VR Calibration for Upper Limb Rehabilitation: Making Immersive Environments Accessible. Presented at 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Angers, France
- Fajtl, J., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2020, December). Latent Bernoulli Autoencoder. Presented at INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING, VOL 119
- Oghaz, M. M. D., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2020, December). Skin Identification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Presented at ADVANCES IN VISUAL COMPUTING, ISVC 2019, PT I UNR Comp Vis Lab; Desert Res Inst; NASA; Ford; HP; Intel; BAE Syst; Delphi; Mitsubishi Elect Res Labs; GE; Toyota
- Fajtl, J., Sokeh, H. S., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2019, December). Summarizing Videos with Attention. Presented at COMPUTER VISION - ACCV 2018 WORKSHOPS
- Zarachoff, M., Sheikh-Akbari, A., & Monekosso, D. (2019, December). Single Image Ear Recognition Using Wavelet-Based Multi-Band PCA. Presented at 2019 27TH EUROPEAN SIGNAL PROCESSING CONFERENCE (EUSIPCO) European Assoc Signal Proc; Univ Coruna; IEEE Signal Proc Soc; Xunta Galicia, Conselleria Cultura Educac, Oredenac Univ; Turismo A Coruna, Oficina Informac Tuursimo A Coruna; Off Navl Res Global; X
- Schez-Sobrino, S., Monekosso, D. N., Remagnino, P., Vallejo, D., & Glez-Morcillo, C. (2019, December). Automatic recognition of physical exercises performed by stroke survivors to improve remote rehabilitation. Presented at 2019 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA ANALYSIS AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (MAPR) IEEE; Vietnamese Assoc Pattern Recognit; VNU HCMC, Univ Informat Technol, Multimedia Commun Lab; VAST, Inst Informat Technol; HUST, MICA, Int Res Inst; ROSEN Grp; TMA Solu
- Mandal, B., Fajtl, J., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2018, December). DEEP RESIDUAL NETWORK WITH SUBCLASS DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS FOR CROWD BEHAVIOR RECOGNITION. Presented at 2018 25TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) Inst Elect \& Electron Engneers; IEEE Signal Processing Soc
- Sokeh, H. S., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2018, December). Superframes, A Temporal Video Segmentation. Presented at 2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR) Int Assoc Pattern Recognit; Chinese Assoc Automat
- Fajtl, J., Argyriou, V., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2018, December). AMNet: Memorability Estimation with Attention. Presented at 2018 IEEE/CVF CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR) IEEE; CVF; IEEE Comp Soc
- Zarachoff, M., Sheikh-Akbari, A., & Monekosso, D. (2018, December). Application of Single Image Super-Resolution in Human Ear Recognition Using Eigenvalues. Presented at 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGING SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES (IST) IEEE Instrumentat \& Measurement; IEEE Advancing Technol Human
- Zarachoff, M., Sheikh-Akbari, A., & Monekosso, D. (2018, December). 2D Multi-Band PCA and its Application for Ear Recognition. Presented at 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGING SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES (IST) IEEE Instrumentat \& Measurement; IEEE Advancing Technol Human
- Jhawar, A., Chan, C. S., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2016, December). Fuzzy-Rough based Decision System for Gait adopting Instance Selection. Presented at 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS (FUZZ-IEEE) IEEE; IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc; Int Neural Network Soc; Evolutionary Programming Soc; IET; Gulf Univ Sci \& Technol; IEEE Big Data Initiat
- Tzanidou, G., Climent-Perez, P., Hummel, G., Schmitt, M., Stuetz, P., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2015, December). Telemetry assisted frame registration and background subtraction in low-altitude UAV videos. Presented at 2015 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED VIDEO AND SIGNAL BASED SURVEILLANCE (AVSS) IEEE Signal Proc Soc; IEEE Comp Soc; Fraunhofer Inst Optronics, Syst Technol \& Image Exploitation; Karlsruhe Inst Technol
- Grech, R., Florez-Revuelta, F., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2014, December). Robot Teams: Sharing Visual Memories. Presented at DISTRIBUTED AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC SYSTEMS
- Climent-Perez, P., Mauduit, A., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2014, December). Detecting Events in Crowded Scenes using Tracklet Plots. Presented at PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION, THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (VISAPP 2014), VOL 2 Inst Syst \& Technologies Informat, Control \& Commun; IEEE Comp Soc; IEEE Tech Community Visualizat \& Graph
- Climent-Perez, P., Lazaridis, G., Hummel, G., Russ, M., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2014, December). Telemetry-Based Search Window Correction for Airborne Tracking. Presented at ADVANCES IN VISUAL COMPUTING (ISVC 2014), PT 1 UNR Comp Vis Lab; Desert Res Inst; LBNL; NASA Ames; BAE Syst; Intel; Ford; Hewlett Packard; Mitsubishi Elect Res Labs; Toyota; Gen Elect; Berkeley Lab
- Climent-Perez, P., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2014, December). Multi-view event detection in crowded scenes using tracklet plots. Presented at 2014 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR) IEEE Comp Soc; IAPR; Linkopings Univ; Lunds Univ; Uppsala Univ; e Sci Collaborat; Swedish Soc Automated Image Anal; Stockhoms Stad; Swedish e Sci Res Ctr; SICK; Autoliv; IBM Res; Int Journal
- Mullen, R. J., Monekosso, D., Barman, S., & Remagnino, P. (2013, December). Reactive Coordination and Adaptive Lattice Formation in Mobile Robotic Surveillance Swarms. Presented at DISTRIBUTED AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC SYSTEMS Swiss Natl Sci Fdn; Swiss Natl Ctr Competence Res Mobile Informat Commun Syst; Swiss Natl Ctr Competence Res Robot; Inst Environm Engn EPFL; BlueBotics SA; Cyberbotics SarL; GCtronic Sarl; K-Team SA; Skybotix Sarl; I
- Kristan, M., Pflugfelder, R., Leonardis, A., Matas, J., Porikli, F., Cehovin, L., Nebehay, G., Fernandez, G., Vojir, T., Gatt, A., Khajenezhad, A., Salahledin, A., Soltani-Farani, A., Zarezade, A., Petrosino, A., Milton, A., Bozorgtabar, B., Li, B., Chan, C. S., Heng, C., …Niu, Z. (2013, December). The Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 challenge results. Presented at 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION WORKSHOPS (ICCVW) IEEE; CVF; IEEE Comp Soc; APRS; Australiasn Natl Univ; NICTA; FACE++; Natl Robot Engn Ctr; Google; Disney Res; nVIDIA; Raytheon BBN Technologies; Facebook; Adobe; Kitware; OMRON; SRI
- Padilla-Lopez, J. R., Florez-Revuelta, F., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2012, December). The ``Good'' Brother: Monitoring People Activity in Private Spaces. Presented at DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Univ Salamanca, Bioinformat Intelligent Syst \& Educ Technol Res Grp; IEEE, Syst Man \& Cybernet Soc; AEPIA; APPIA; CNRS
- Grech, R., Monekosso, D., de Jager, D., & Remagnino, P. (2010, December). A Vision-Based System for Object Identification and Information Retrieval in a Smart Home. Presented at AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE
- Bloisi, D., Iocchi, L., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). A NOVEL SEGMENTATION METHOD FOR CROWDED SCENES. Presented at VISAPP 2009: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL 2 Inst Syst \& Technologies Informat, Control \& Commun; ACM SIGGRAPH
- Bloisi, D., Iocchi, L., Marchetti, L., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). An Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living. Presented at AVSS: 2009 6TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED VIDEO AND SIGNAL BASED SURVEILLANCE IEEE; IEEE Comp Soc; IEEE Signal Proc Soc
- Vallejo, D., Remagnino, P., Monekosso, D. N., Jimenez, L., & Gonzalez, C. (2009, December). A Multi-agent Architecture for Multi-robot Surveillance. Presented at COMPUTATIONAL COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: SEMANTIC WEB, SOCIAL NETWORKS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS Wroclaw Univ Technol; Swinburne Univ Technol; Natl Taiwan Univ Sci \& Technol
- Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). Synthetic Training Data Generation for ADL Modeling. Presented at WORKSHOPS PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS
- Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). Synthetic Training Data Generation for Activity Monitoring and Behavior Analysis. Presented at AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE, PROCEEDINGS Univ Salzburg, HCI \& Usabil Unit; Univ Salzburg, ICT\&S Ctr
- Mullen, R. J., Monekosso, D., Barman, S., Remagnino, P., & Wilkin, P. (2008, December). Artificial Ants to Extract Leaf Outlines and Primary Venation Patterns. Presented at ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION AND SWARM INTELLIGENCE, PROCEEDINGS IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc; Co AntOptima; Belgian Fund Sci Res; French Comm Belgium
- Monekosso, D. N. (2008, December). A Hierarchical Model-Based System for Discovering Atypical Behavior. Presented at 2008 THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1 AND 2 IEEE
- Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2008, December). Detecting Activities for Assisted Living. Presented at CONSTRUCTING AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE
Journal Article
- Albusac, J., Herrera, V., Schez-Sobrino, S., Grande, R., Vallejo, D., & Monekosso, D. (2024). Innovative haptic-based system for upper limb rehabilitation in visually impaired individuals: a multilayer approach. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(21), 60537-60563.
- Herrera, V., Vallejo, D., Castro-Schez, J. J., Monekosso, D. N., de los Reyes, A., Glez-Morcillo, C., & Albusac, J. (2023). Rehab-Immersive: A framework to support the development of virtual reality applications in upper limb rehabilitation. SoftwareX, 23, Article 101412.
- García, F. M., Moraleda, R., Schez-Sobrino, S., Monekosso, D. N., Vallejo, D., & Glez-Morcillo, C. (2023). Health-5G: A Mixed Reality-Based System for Remote Medical Assistance in Emergency Situations. IEEE Access, 11,
- Zarachoff, M. M., Sheikh-Akbari, A., & Monekosso, D. (2022). Chainlet-Based Ear Recognition Using Image Multi-Banding and Support Vector Machine. Applied Sciences, 12(4), Article 2033.
- Gmez-Portes, C., Jesus Castro-Schez, J., Albusac, J., Monekosso, D. N., & Vallejo, D. (2021). A Fuzzy Recommendation System for the Automatic Personalization of Physical Rehabilitation Exercises in Stroke Patients. Mathematics, 9(12), Article 1427.
- Schez-Sobrino, S., Vallejo, D., Monekosso, D., Glez-Morcillo, C., & Remagnino, P. (2020). A Distributed Gamified System Based on Automatic Assessment of Physical Exercises to Promote Remote Physical Rehabilitation. IEEE Access, 8, 91424-91434.
- Gu, F., Sridhar, M., Cohn, A., Hogg, D., Florez-Revuelta, F., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2016). Weakly supervised activity analysis with spatio-temporal localisation. Neurocomputing, 216, 778-789.
- Monekosso, D. N., Florez-Revuelta, F., & Remagnino, P. (2015). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Ambient-Assisted Living: Sensors, Methods, and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 45(5, SI), 545-549.
- Gu, F., Florez-Revuelta, F., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2015). Marginalised Stacked Denoising Autoencoders for Robust Representation of Real-Time Multi-View Action Recognition. Sensors, 15(7), 17209-17231.
- Monekosso, D., Florez-Revuelta, F., & Remagnino, P. (2015). Ambient Assisted Living. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30(4), 2-6.
- Lim, M. K., Chan, C. S., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2014). Refined particle swarm intelligence method for abrupt motion tracking. Information Sciences, 283, 267-287.
- Lim, M., Chan, C., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2014). Detection of salient regions in crowded scenes. Electronics Letters, 50(5), 363-364.
- Thida, M., Eng, H.-L., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2013). A particle swarm optimisation algorithm with interactive swarms for tracking multiple targets. Applied Soft Computing, 13(6), 3106-3117.
- Mullen, R. J., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2013). Ant algorithms for image feature extraction. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11), 4315-4332.
- Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2013). Data reconciliation in a smart home sensor network. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(8), 3248-3255.
- Grech, R., Monekosso, D., & Remagnino, P. (2012). Building visual memories of video streams. Electronics Letters, 48(9), 487-U36.
- Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2010). Behavior Analysis for Assisted Living. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7(4, SI), 879-886.
- Remagnino, P., Monekosso, D. N., Kuno, Y., Trivedi, M. M., & Eng, H.-L. (2009). Introducing Automation and Engineering for Ambient Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 6(4), 573-576.
- Mullen, R., Monekosso, D., Barman, S., & Remagnino, P. (2009). A review of ant algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(6), 9608-9617.
- Owen, C. G., Rudnicka, A. R., Mullen, R., Barman, S. A., Monekosso, D., Whincup, P. H., Ng, J., & Paterson, C. (2009). Measuring Retinal Vessel Tortuosity in 10-Year-Old Children: Validation of the Computer-Assisted Image Analysis of the Retina (CAIAR) Program. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50(5), 2004-2010.
- Zhan, B., Monekosso, D. N., Remagnino, P., Velastin, S. A., & Xu, L.-Q. (2008). Crowd analysis: a survey. Machine Vision and Applications, 19(5-6), 345-357.