Staff profile
Research interests
- My current project is 'the spirituality of encountering catastrophic reality'. I have also published on:
- Catholic Social Thought and Teaching
- Carmelite Spirituality
- Ecclesiology
- The diaconate
Journal Article
- Rowe, G. L. M. (2024). A Just and Green Recovery: Reflections on Catholic Social Teaching in Light of the Pandemic. Liberatio, 1, 123-128.
- Rowe, G. L. M. (2024). Catholic Social Teaching Reframed: One Fruit of a Culture of Encounter. New Blackfriars, 105(1), 77-91.
- Rowe, G. (2022). Ruth Burrows - A reader of the Carmelite tradition - Part 2. Carmel in the World, LXI(2), 165-182
- Rowe, G. (2022). Ruth Burrows - A reader of the Carmelite tradition - Part 1. Carmel in the World, LXI( 1), 23-40
- Rowe, G. L. M. (2022). Diaconates in Transition: Enriching the Roman Catholic Permanent Diaconate from the Experience of the Church of England and British Methodism: A Receptive Ecumenical Approach. Ecclesiology: The Journal for Ministry, Mission and Unity, 18(1), 99-117.