Staff profile
Dr Marcus Pound
Associate Professor of Theology & Assistant Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor of Theology & Assistant Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies in the Department of Theology and Religion | +44 (0) 191 33 43954 |
My route to academia has been somewhat unconventional. I was a mature student who in the absence of exam qualifications at either ordinary or advanced level, found an opening through Mrs Thatcher's Access to Education and was funded through Local Authority Grants.
Research Supervision
- Andrew Brower-Latz
- Rabb Barbara Borts
- Josh Furnal
- Caroline Henthorne
- Benjamin Kautzer
- Patricia Kelly
- Thomas Lynch
- Marika Rose
Research interests
- My research interests revolve around 'trauma-studies'. I take both a theoretical approach with an interest in psychoanalysis, as well as a practical (ethnographic) interest in the cases of abuse within the Catholic Church.
Chapter in book
- Daly, M. E., & Pound, M. (2023). Clerical Abuse. In A. Harris (Ed.), The Oxford History of British and Irish Catholicism, Vol V: Recapturing the Apostolate of the Laity, 1914-2021 (308-333). Oxford University Press.
- Pound, M. (2019). Post-Secular Political Theology. In W. Cavanaugh, & P. Scott (Eds.), Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Theology. Wiley
- Pound, M. (2018). Rose contra Girard: Kenotic Comedy and Social Theory (Or, Žižek as a Reader of Rose). In J. Davis (Ed.), Misrecognitions : Gillian Rose and the task of political theology (232-249). Cascade Books
- Pound, M. (2014). By the Grace of Lacan. In C. Davis, M. Pound, & C. Crockett (Eds.), Theology after Lacan (232-249). WIPF
- Pound, M. (2014). Theology. In R. Butler (Ed.), The Zizek dictionary (246-249). Routledge
- Pound, M. (2012). Eucharist is Drive. In L. Isherwood, & M. Zlomislic (Eds.), The poverty of radical orthodoxy (213-235). Wipf and Stock Publishers
- Pound, M. (2011). Postmodern Philosophy. In O. Crisp, G. D'Costa, M. Davies, & P. Hampson (Eds.), Theology and philosophy (186-201). Bloomsbury T&T Clark
- Pound, M. (2011). Lacan’s Return to Freud: A Case of Theological Ressourcement?. In G. Flynn, & P. Murray (Eds.), Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology (440-456). Oxford University Press
- Pound, M. (2007). Lacan, Metaphysics, and Belief. In P. Chandler (Jr), & C. Cunningham (Eds.), Belief and Metaphysics (413-425). SCM
Edited book
Journal Article
- Pound, M. (online). Žižek contra Hyman
- Pound, M. (online). Indirect Analysis: Lacan, Kierkegaard, and Humour
- Russell, D. H., Higgins, D. J., Harris, L., Rinaldi, A., Pound, M., & Zollner, H. (2024). The safeguarding capability of adults in Catholic Church ministries: A global perspective. Child Abuse and Neglect, 153, Article 106801.
- Baigent, A., Pound, M., Bruce, T., Bullivant, S., Harris, A., & Orsi, R. (2022). Lived Catholicism: A Roundtable Discussion. Ecclesial Practices, 9(1), 9 - 27.
- Pound, M. (2016). Baudrillard, Žižek, and the Seduction of Christ. International Journal of Zizek Studies, 10(1), 24-43
- Pound, M. (2015). Political Theology and Comedy: Žižek through Rose Tinted Glasses. Crisis and critique, 2(1), 171-191
- Pound, M. (2010). Comic Subjectivity: Žižek and Zupančič’s Spiritual Work of Art. International Journal of Zizek Studies, 4(4),
- Pound, M. (2010). Žižek, Milbank, and the Broken Middle. International Journal of Zizek Studies, 4(4),
- Pound, M. (2009). Lacan and Girard: Sex and Non-Violence. Psycho-analytische perspektieven, 26(3-4), 287-302
- Pound, M. (2008). The Assumption of Desire: Kierkegaard, Lacan, and the Trauma of the Eucharist. Journal for cultural and religious theory, 9(1), 67-78
- Pound, M. (2007). Eucharist and Trauma. New Blackfriars, 88(1014), 187-194
- Pound, M. (2005). Kierkegaard, Lacan, and Repetition
- Pound, M. (2005). Having a Good Time with Kierkegaard: McTaggart, Kierkegaard, and the Ethics of Time
- Pound, M. (2003). Towards a Lacanian Theology of Religion. New Blackfriars, 84(993), 510-520
- Pound, M. (2019). Theology, Comedy, Politics. Fortress Press.
- Pound, M. (2008). Žižek: a (very) critical introduction. Eerdmans
- Pound, M. (2007). Theology, Psychoanalysis and Trauma. SCM
Supervision students
Nicholas Evans
PhD student
Otniel Kish
Wojciech Tylawski
PhD Student & Teaching Assistant