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Dr Marti Lloret-Cabot

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering
Management Board Member in the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience


Marti Lloret-Cabot is an Associate Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Department of Engineering at Durham University.

He received his MEng degree in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, Barcelona) in 2005. After graduation, he moved to Glasgow to pursue his career as a Civil Engineer. He started working at Donaldson’s Associates (now COWI) as a Junior Geotechnical Engineer in the Glasgow and York offices. By the end of 2006, the University of Strathclyde (USTRAT) awarded him a Synergy scholarship to begin a joint PhD degree between USTRAT and the University of Glasgow (UofG) which he completed in 2011. In 2010, he moved to the Netherlands to work at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) for two years as an Experienced Marie Curie Fellow. He then moved to Australia in 2012 where he spent about five years at the Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering of the University of Newcastle (UoN, Australia). In 2017, he secured funding to develop his Individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie project "COUPLED" at UofG.

Research and Teaching

Marti’s research is in geotechnical engineering, focussing on the development of advanced constitutive models for soils to help interpreting experimental soil's behaviour and to solve geotechnical boundary value problems involving complex soil behaviour (e.g. partial saturation, anisotropy) after their subsequent implementation into finite element programs. He has also made important contributions in the area of risk and variability in geotechnical engineering. Particularly relevant is his publication on modelling the spatial variation of soil properties which received the GeoRisk 2014 Best Paper award in 2015 and the 2017 Most Cited award in 2018.

In the Department, Marti teaches in the areas of ground and structural engineering covering Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering at L3, and in L1 Mechanics of Systems. He is also the coordinator of Civil Design, inolving L3 (civil) and MSc (civil) students.

Research interests

  • Mechanics of saturated and unsaturated soils
  • Modelling soil spatial variability
  • Modelling water flow under partially saturated conditions
  • Numerical and constitutive modelling of soils and soft rocks

Esteem Indicators


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Conference Proceeding

Journal Article

Supervision students