Staff profile
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Professor in the Department of Music |
Nick Collins' research interests include live computer music, musical artificial intelligence, and computational musicology, and he is a frequent international performer as composer-programmer-pianist, from algoraves to electronic chamber music. He co-edited the Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music (Cambridge University Press 2007/2nd Edition 2017) and The SuperCollider Book (MIT Press, 2011/2nd Edition 2024), wrote the Introduction to Computer Music (Wiley 2009) and co-wrote Electronic Music (Cambridge University Press Introductions series, 2013). Sometimes, he writes in the third person about himself, but is trying to give it up.
Chapter in book
- Collins, N. (2022). Jack Code's Rebellion. In A. Blackwell, E. Cocker, G. Cox, A. McLean, & T. Magnusson (Eds.), Live Coding: A User's Manual (64-65). Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press
- Collins, N. (2020). The Future of Rhythm. In R. Hartenberger, & R. McClelland (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Rhythm. Cambridge University Press
Conference Paper
- Collins, N., Ruzicka, V., & Grierson, M. (2020, December). Remixing AIs: mind swaps, hybrainity, and splicing musical models. Presented at 1st Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity, Stockholm
- Collins, N., & Knotts, S. (2019, September). A Javascript Musical Machine Listening Library. Presented at International Computer Music Conference, New York
- Collins, N. (2019, June). Sonification of the Riemann Zeta Function. Presented at International Conference on Auditory Display, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
- Collins, N. (2010, December). Computational analysis of musical influence: A musicological case study using MIR tools. Presented at 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, The Netherlands
Journal Article
- Collins, N. (online). Composition in the Age of AI. Ideas Sónicas/Sonic Ideas,
- Collins, N. (2018). “…there is no reason why it should ever stop”: Large-scale Algorithmic Composition. Journal of Creative Music Systems, 3(1),
- Collins, N., Manning, P., & Tarsitani, S. (2018). A new curated corpus of historical electronic music: Collation, data and research findings. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 1(1), 34-55.
- Collins, N. (2017). Corposing a History of Electronic Music. Leonardo music journal, 27, 47-48.
- Collins, N. (2016). Towards Machine Musicians Who Have Listened to More Music Than Us: Audio Database-led Algorithmic Criticism for Automatic Composition and Live Concert Systems. Computers in entertainment, 14(3), Article 2.
- Collins, N. (2016). A funny thing happened on the way to the formula: Algorithmic composition for musical theatre. Computer Music Journal, 40(3), 41-57.
- Collins, N. (2016). Live Coding and Teaching SuperCollider. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 9(1), 5-16.
- Collins, N. (2015). The Ubuweb Electronic Music Corpus: An MIR investigation of a historical database. Organised Sound, 20(1), 122-134.
- Collins, N. (2012). Automatic Composition of Electroacoustic Art Music Utilizing Machine Listening. Computer Music Journal, 36(3), 8-23.
- Collins, N. (2011). Live Coding of Consequence. Leonardo, 44(3), 207-211.
- Collins, N. (2008). The Analysis of Generative Music Programs. Organised Sound, 13(3), 237-248.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)