Staff profile
Professor Nicole Westmarland
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Sociology | +44 (0) 191 33 46833 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 46833 |
I am the Director of the Durham Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA). My research consists of around thirty research and consultancy projects in the field of male violence against women. I am particularly known for my work on rape, domestic violence and prostitution which has underpinned a number of policy changes and which I have spoken about all over the world.
Many of my research reports are available on my personal website (link above) or on the CRiVA website. My most recent book was published in May 2015 by Routledge - 'Violence Against Women - Criminological Perspectives on Men's Violences.' My most recent research report was Project Mirabal about domestic violence perpetrator programmes
In the Department of Sociology I teach on the MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice and convene and teach the Violence and Abuse module. I supervise PhD researchers in a range of topics (listed below).
If you are interested in becoming a member of CRiVA and recieve updates on our work and invitations to events please email We particularly welcome membership from students, survivors, and from people who work outside academia.
I strongly believe that academic research should be used to create positive ‘real world’ social change and it is this that drives my personal research agenda. My recent academic advisor and consultancy positions have included Special Advisor to the Joint Committee on Human Rights for their Inquiry into Violence against Women and Girls (2014-15) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (2012-15).
Previously, I have also held the position of Special Advisor to the Government’s Victims of Violence and Abuse Prevention Project and chaired one of its Expert Groups. My research has directly underpinned two major government policy reform processes (HM Government Stern Review into Rape and the Home Office Coordinated Prostitution Strategy). I held the voluntary position of Chair of Rape Crisis (England and Wales) for five years.
Research interests
- All forms of violence against women (particularly sexual and domestic violence)
Esteem Indicators
- 2015: Special Advisor: Special advisor to the House of Commons and House of Lords Joint Committee on Human Rights for their Inquiry into Violence against Women and Girls.
Authored book
- Westmarland, N., Almqvist, A.-L., Egeberg Holmgren, L., Ruxton, S., Burrell, S., & Delgado Valbuena, C. (2021). Men's Activism to End Violence Against Women: Voices from Spain, Sweden and the UK. Policy Press.
- Westmarland, N., & Bows, H. (2018). Researching Gender, Violence and Abuse: Theory, Methods, Action. Routledge.
- Criminological perspectives on men’s violences. Routledge
Chapter in book
- Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. New approaches to assessing effectiveness and outcomes of domestic violence perpetrator programmes. In H. Johnson, B. Fisher, & V. Jaquier (Eds.), Critical Issues on Violence Against Women (183-194). Routledge
- Westmarland, N., & Gangoli, G. (2011). Introduction: Approaches to rape. In N. Westmarland, & G. Gangoli (Eds.), International approaches to rape (1 - 12). Policy Press.
- Westmarland, N. (2008). Preface. In H. Jones, & K. Cook (Eds.), Rape crisis : responding to sexual violence. Russell House
- Westmarland, N., & Gangoli, G. (2006). Introduction: Approaches to prostitution. In N. Westmarland, & G. Gangoli (Eds.), International approaches to prostitution: Law and policy in Europe and Asia (1-17). Policy Press.
- Westmarland, N. (2006). From the Personal to the Political: Shifting Perspectives on Street Prostitution in England and Wales. In G. Gangoli, & N. Westmarland (Eds.), International approaches to prostitution : law and policy in Europe and Asia (21-43). Policy Press
- Westmarland, N., & Gangoli, G. (2006). Approaches to Prostitution. In N. Westmarland, & G. Gangoli (Eds.), International Approaches to Prostitution: Law and Policy in Europe and Asia. Policy Press
- Gangoli, G. (2006). Prostitution in India: Laws, debates and responses. In G. Gangoli, & N. Westmarland (Eds.), International approaches to prostitution: Law and policy in Europe and Asia (114 - 139). Policy Press.
- Radford, J., & Westmarland, N. (2005). In memoriam: Sue Lees (1941-- 2002), her life, research and influence. In T. Skinner, M. Hester, & E. Malos (Eds.), Researching Gender Violence: Feminist methodology in action. Willan Publishing
Edited book
- Westmarland, N., & Gangoli, G. (Eds.). (2011). International Approaches to Rape. Policy Press
- Gangoli, G., & Westmarland, N. (Eds.). (2006). International Approaches to Prostitution: Law and Policy in Europe and Asia. Policy Press
Journal Article
- Westmarland, N., & McCarry, M. (online). Searching for a needle in a haystack? An exploratory study into the policing of ‘needle spiking’ in the UK. Policing and Society,
- Miao, L., & Westmarland, N. (in press). ‘There are too many women with love brains’: Domestic Violence and Victim Blaming in China. Journal of Gender-Based Violence,
- Bellini, R., & Westmarland, N. (2023). “We adapted because we had to.” How domestic violence perpetrator programmes adapted to work under COVID-19 in the UK, the USA and Australia. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 15(3), 205-215.
- Rutter, N., Hall, K., & Westmarland, N. (2023). Responding to Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse from a Distance: Remote Delivery of Interventions during Covid-19. Children & Society, 37(3), 705-721.
- Walling-Wefelmeyer, R., Johnson, K., Westmarland, N., Dhir, A., & Lyons Sumroy, A. (2023). Teaching for social change: introducing ‘scrapbooking’ as a pedagogic approach towards ending gender-based violence. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 7(1), 128-145.
- Westmarland, N., & Burrell, S. R. (2023). ‘I’m a red-blooded male’: Understanding men’s experiences of domestic abuse through a feminist lens. Criminology & Criminal Justice,
- Myhill, A., Johnson, K., McNeill, A., Critchfield, E., & Westmarland, N. (2022). ‘A genuine one usually sticks out a mile’: policing coercive control in England and Wales. Policing and Society, 33(4), 398-413.
- Bellini, R., & Westmarland, N. (2021). A problem solved is a problem created: the opportunities and challenges associated with an online domestic violence perpetrator programme. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 5(3), 499-515.
- Downes, N., Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2019). ‘It’s a work in progress’: men’s accounts of gender and change in their use of coercive control. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 3(3), 267-282.
- McGlynn, C., & Westmarland, N. (2019). Kaleidoscopic Justice: Sexual Violence and Victim-Survivors’ Perceptions of Justice. Social and Legal Studies, 28(2), 179-201.
- Westmarland, N., McGlynn, C., & Humphreys, C. (2018). Using restorative justice approaches to police domestic violence and abuse. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 2(2), 339-358.
- McGlynn, C., Westmarland, N., & Johnson, K. (2018). Under the radar: the widespread use of 'Out of Court resolutions' in policing domestic violence and abuse in the United Kingdom. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 58(1), 1-16.
- Bows, H., & Westmarland, N. (2018). Older sex offenders – managing risk in the community from a policing perspective. Policing and Society, 28(1), 62-74.
- Wistow, R., Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2017). ‘Time out’: a strategy for reducing men’s violence against women in relationships?. Violence Against Women, 23(6), 730-748.
- Bows, H., & Westmarland, N. (2017). Rape of Older People In The United Kingdom: Challenging The ‘Real Rape’ Stereotype. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 57(1), 1-17.
- Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2016). Naming and defining ‘Domestic Violence’: lessons from research with violent men. Feminist Review, 112(1), 113-127.
- Downes, J., Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2014). Ethics in Violence and Abuse Research - a Positive Empowerment Approach. Sociological Research Online, 19(1),
- Westmarland, N., & Kelly, L. (2013). Why extending measurements of 'success' in domestic violence perpetrator programmes matters for Social Work. The British Journal of Social Work, 43(6), 1092-1110.
- Westmarland, N., & Alderson, S. (2013). The health, mental health and well-being benefits of Rape Crisis counselling. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(17), 3265-3282.
- Alderson, S., Westmarland, N., & Kelly, L. (2012). The Need for Accountability to, and Support for, Children of Men on Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes. Child Abuse Review, 22(3), 182-193.
- McGlynn, C., Westmarland, N., & Godden, N. (2012). "I just wanted him to hear me": sexual violence and the possibilities of restorative justice. Journal of Law and Society, 39(2), 213-240.
- Easteal, P., & Westmarland, N. (2010). A Virtual Sabbatical: A Pioneering Case Study. Innovative Higher Education, 35(5), 297-311.
- Westmarland, N., & Graham, L. (2010). 'The promotion and resistance of rape myths in an internet discussion forum’. The journal of social criminology, 1(2), 80-104
- Hester, M., & Westmarland, N. (2006). Domestic Violence Perpetrators. Criminal justice matters, 66(1), 34-35.
- Westmarland, N., & Anderson, J. (2001). Safe at the Wheel? Security issues for female taxi drivers. Security Journal, 14(2), 29-40.
- Westmarland, N. (2001). The quantitative/qualitative debate and feminist research: a subjective view of objectivity. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 2(1),
Other (Print)
- Westmarland, N., Thorlby, K., Wistow, J., & Gadd, D. (2014). Domestic Violence: Evidence Review
- Westmarland, N., Thorlby, K., Wistow, J., & Gadd, D. (2014). Domestic Violence: Evidence Review References
- Westmarland, N., Hardey, M., Bows, H., Branley, D., Chowdhury, M., Wheatley, K., & Wistow, R. (2013). Protecting Women’s Safety? The use of Smartphone ‘apps’ in relation to domestic and sexual violence
- McGlynn, C., Westmarland, N., & Godden, N. (2011). Is Restorative justice possible in cases of sexual violence?
- Westmarland, N., Kelly, L., & Chalder-Mills, J. (2010). Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: What Counts as Success?
- Westmarland, N. (2008). Rape's a real crime
- Westmarland, N. (2008). The Rape Crisis crisis
- Westmarland, N., & Burrell, S. (2019). Perpetrators in the early stages of help-seeking: Views of service users. [No known commissioning body]
- Burrell, S., & Westmarland, N. (2019). The voices of male victims: Understanding men's experiences of the Men's Advice Line. [No known commissioning body]
- Bows, H., Jobe, A., & Westmarland, N. (2014). Sexual Violence Preventative Work with Young People. A Feasibility Study. Report for Darlington and Co. Durham Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre. [No known commissioning body]
- Brown, J., Horvath, M., Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2010). Has anything changed? Results of a comprative study (1977-2010) on opinions of rape. Government Equalities Office
- Brown, J., Horvath, M., Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2010). Connections and disconnections: Assessing evidence, knowledge and practice in responses to rape. Government Equalities Office
- Hester, M., Westmarland, N., Pearce, J., & Williamson, E. (2008). Early Evaluation of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004. Ministry of Justice
- Hester, M., & Westmarland, N. (2005). Tackling Domestic Violence: Effective Interventions and Approaches. Home Office
- Westmarland, N., Hester, M., & Carrozza, A. (2005). Domestic Abuse in Bristol. Findings from a 24-hour snapshot. [No known commissioning body]
- Hester, M., & Westmarland, N. (2004). Tackling Street Prostitution: Towards a Holistic Approach. Home Office
Working Paper