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Dr Sui Ting Kong

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology


I joined Durham University in 2017 after working at University of Hong Kong for two years as postdoctoral fellow. I was first trained as a social worker in Hong Kong, and later completed my PhD at the University of York (UK) in 2015. My academic interests are in feminist participatory methodologies, social work practice research and model building as well as violence against women.

My research always involves working with social work practitioners and service users, women who have experienced violence and Hongkonger diaspora. Through participatory or collaborative processes, we explore ways to democratise knowledge production through methodological innovations. The methods/methodologies that we have developed include

• Cooperative Grounded Inquiry (2015)
• Collaborative focused group analysis (2020), plus the use of theatre (2018)
• Collaborative Practice Research for Social Work (2022)

These new methods/methodologies advance the theorisation and debates on the relationship between research and social practice, challenge hierarchies of victimhood and enhance understanding of gender-based violence at the intersection of personal and political lives. Core theoretical contributions include the development of

• a relational model for care in the context of intimate partner violence
• a relational personhood in end-of-life care
• hierarchical harmony and hierarchy of victimhood in politicised personal lives.

I also co-founded the BASW UK Network for Social Work Practitioner Research for supporting knowledge exchange and coproduced research among social work practitioners and academic researchers.

I have been awarded the prestigious British Academy/Wolfson Fellowship in 2021 to work on transnational social work and Hongkonger diaspora in the UK for three years. The project looks at the contested identities of Hongkongers and how these identities shape their community and home building in the UK. Alongside this project, I collaborate with the British Association of Social Workers to develop a national curriculum and workplace support for Hong Kong diaspora social workers who have recently moved to the UK.

Research interests

  • Hong Kong Studies
  • Transnational Social Work
  • Violence Against Women in Political and Personal Spaces
  • Social Work Practice Research – theorising practice and theorising for practice
  • Qualitative Methodologies – innovative methods and participatory methodologies


Chapter in book

Journal Article


Working Paper

Supervision students