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College and Department Scholarships

Durham University is committed to supporting the best students irrespective of financial circumstances.  The following scholarships are either funded by the university, through partnerships with external organisations or through generous donations from alumni and friends of the University.

All financial support opportunities have associated eligibility criteria such as household income therefore it is essential applicants consider all requirements prior to submitting an application.  Please also ensure you observe any application deadlines and submission requirements.

Durham University financial support 2023-24



What is it?

Who's it for?

Durham Business School
Durham Business School

Masters Achievement Awards

Tuition fee discount (awards vary per programme)


Candidates applying to our Masters programmes commencing 2025
Durham Business School

MBA Scholarships (Full Time and Online MBA)

Tuition fee discount (awards vary per programme)

Exceptional candidates applying to our MBA programmes commencing 2025
Durham Business School

DBA Scholarships

(Durham DBA and Global DBA)

Scholarship amounts are discretionary based on the application (awards vary per programme)

Exceptional candidates applying to our DBA programmes
Durham Cathedral 
Durham Cathedral Choral Scholarship - Alto

Choral Scholarships are offered by the Chapter of Durham Cathedral

Approx. £4,201 plus additional fees

Undergraduate and postgraduate applicants commencing  October 2023
Durham Cathedral Organ Scholarship

Organ Scholarships are offered by the Chapter of Durham Cathedral

£3,000 plus £500 for music/books/lessons

Undergraduate and postgraduate applicants commencing 2023
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Centre for Catholic Studies 

Catholic Theology/Catholic Studies Scholarships

The Faithful Companions of Jesus Bicentenary Scholarship Fund, The Catherine McAuley Postgraduate Scholarship Fund and The Jesuits in Britain Durham Rutilio Grande MA Bursary.

For students applying to MA in Christian Theology (Catholic Studies) (V8K607) or

MA by Research, M.Litt, DThM1, Integrated PhD2, PhD

Each with a clear focus in Catholic Studies / Catholic Theology.

Department of English Studies

The Jeremy Vine Scholarship in English Literature

£4,000 per academic year

Low household income, UK applicants reading a degree in the Department of English Studies

Department of History

Ralph Whitell Waggett Bursary

The Ralph Waggett MA Studentship in History. 

Students who self-identify as belonging to a Black or Asian ethnic group, as of mixed heritage, or otherwise as of a BAME background.  

Department of History

Thebes History Scholarship

Cash bursary for students from low-income households, who demonstrate exceptional potential. 

Students studying  History at undergraduate level.  Next academic entry 2025/26. 

Department of History Dr John Wreglesworth Scholarships £4,000 per year of study, which contributes to tuition fees, living costs, and other associated costs of study Students studying History at undergraduate level with a household income below £47,200
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures Barker Doctoral Scholarship in Modern European Languages  We offer a number of funding opportunities including AHRC Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership (NBDTP), Barker Doctoral Scholarships in Modern European Languages, Durham-China Scholarships Council (CSC) Doctoral Studentships, Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship in the Humanities.  Students wishing to study languages and culture at Masters or PhD level.
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Helen Sharp Undergraduate Scholarship for Modern Languages

A scholarship for students from a low income background. 

Students studying Modern Languages and Cultures at undergraduate level. 

Department of Philosophy  To be confirmed.  To be confirmed.  To be confirmed.
Faculty of Science
Department of Archaeology 

Guy Beresford PGT Scholarship

£15,000 for a student to study full-time for a STEM taught masters degree at Durham University, for the year 2025-26

Postgraduate students from the North East with a low-income background

Department of Biosciences

Department of Biosciences (Undergraduate funding)

Paid undergraduate summer studentships to help students gain experience and skills in Biology.

Undergraduate students wishing to gain valuable, hands-on research experience.

Department of Biosciences Department of Biosciences (Postgraduate funding) The Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciences for Medicine (MoSMed) is an EPSRC funded joint venture between Newcastle and Durham Universities. PhD students looking for a fully funded 4 year PhD Studentship in Molecular Sciences, on specific offered projects.
Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry (Postgraduate funding) 

The Chemistry Department offers Ph.D. positions via the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) and for research projects hosted by individual research staff. 

PhD students looking for opportunities on specific projects offered by the university. 

Department of Computer Science

AMI Scholarships for Women in Technology 

The Anne-Marie Imafidon Scholarships for Women in Technology. 

Female prospective students applying to Computer Science (either the BSc or MEng degrees) Also considered computer science as part of a Degree in Natural Sciences.

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science (Postgraduate funding) Postgraduate research opportunities. Students applying to Master of Science (MSc) by Research and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science (Undergraduate funding) A number of philanthropically-funded scholarships to support students with the cost of study and living during their time at Durham. Undergraduate students in computer science and females joining the Faculty of Science for STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
Department of Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences (Postgraduate funding) We are the lead partner for the NERC funded IAPETUS2 partnership including the Universities of Glasgow, Newcastle, St Andrews, Heriott-Watt and Stirling along with the British Geological Survey and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.  PhD by Research students in Earth Sciences.
Department of Mathematical Sciences 

Department of Mathematical Sciences (Postgraduate funding) 

In partnership with Scott Logic and Trevelyan College, the Department of Mathematical Sciences is offering a Global Masters scholarship to a student from a low or middle-income. country. 

Students from a low income country who wish to study Masters in Mathematical Sciences , or a Masters in Particles, Strings and Cosmology.   

Department of Physics Department of Physics (Postgraduate funding) Five tailored research projects: Advanced Instrumentation (CfAI),
Astronomy (CEA/ICC),
Condensed Matter Physics (CMP),
Elementary Particle Theory (IPPP) and
Quantum, Light and Matter (QLM).
Physics students wishing to apply for PhD (3, 3.5 or 4-year duration, full time) or MSc by Research (1 year, full time). 
Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology (Postgraduate funding)

A range of studentships and research degree funding.  

PhD students in psychology. 

Faculty of Social Sciences & Health
Department of Geography Department of Geography (Doctoral funding) The Department of Geography participates in five competitive schemes that are run through the University and University partners for funding for doctoral study.  PhD students in Geography. 
Department of Sociology

Department of Sociology (Postgraduate taught funding)

NHSBSA Social Work Bursaries.

Students applying for undergraduate or postgraduate social work programmes.

Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Postgraduate funding) A range of scholarships including scholar-athlete. For Masters by Research and PhD students in Sports and Exercise Science.
Durham Law School

Joel Donovan KC Scholarship

Alumnus Joel Donovan KC established scholarship for UK black students in undergraduate law. 

First-year UK black heritage students of African, Caribbean, dual, or mixed heritage studying on the undergraduate LLB programme. 

Durham Law School

Durham Law School (Undergraduate funding)

A range of undergraduate awards and bursaries, including Hogan Lovells Scholarships.

Undergraduate students of LLB Law or Law with Foundation LLB who want to practice commercial law. First generation in their immediate family to attend university after attending a state school.

Durham Law School

Durham Law School (Postgraduate funding)

A wide range of scholarships, bursaries and studentships. 

Postgraduate research, postgraduate taught and post-doctoral students studying law.  

School of Education School of Education (Postgraduate taught funding) The Hild Bede Postgraduate Education Scholarship. Students studying postgraduate degrees or doctoral programmes in the School of Education. Applicants will be expected to have applied to the College of St Hild and St Bede or be willing to transfer.
School of Education School of Education (Teacher training funding) Three types of funding for teacher training. Full information available on the DfE website  Students applying for teacher training. 
School of Government and International Affairs Radhakishin Scholarship The School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA), offers Scholarships each year to disadvantaged or under-represented students.  Undergraduate students. No application is required. Entry is automatic when candidates apply through UCAS. 
Collingwood College

Sports Road Scholarship

For students from low-income backgrounds with a strong track record of sporting achievement, and the potential to contribute significantly to college sport, and/or at a University level. 

First-year undergraduates joining Collingwood College. 

Hatfield College

Chadwick Scholarship

The Hatfield Trust awards a range of scholarships to support students from lower-income households.

A Hatfield College undergraduate student of exceptional potential and genuine financial need. Preference may be given to a student intending to study Engineering.

Hatfield College Gant Scholarship The Hatfield Trust awards a range of scholarships to support students from lower-income households.  A Hatfield College undergraduate student of exceptional potential and genuine financial need. Preference may be given to a student intending to study Geography. 
Hatfield College John Oaks Memorial Fund The Hatfield Trust awards a range of scholarships to support students from lower-income households.  A Hatfield College undergraduate student of exceptional potential and genuine financial need. Preference may be given to a student intending to study Maths or Physics. 
Hatfield College Hatfield Lioness Scholarship The aim of the Hatfield Lioness Scholarship is to enable a female student from a developing country where access to tertiary education is limited to benefit from undertaking postgraduate study at the Durham University. See website.
Hatfield College Robin White 1956 Scholarship The Hatfield Trust awards a range of scholarships to support students from lower-income households.  A Hatfield College undergraduate student of exceptional potential and genuine financial need. Students can study any subject. 
St Aidan's College

Irene Hindmarsh

St Aidan's College financial support with particular emphasis placed on students who are from low-income households, first generation scholars, care leavers, LGBTQ+, or from a diverse heritage background.

St Aidan's College undergraduate UK students, from low-income families (priority will be given to those from the lowest household incomes below £42, 875), and/or diverse heritage and/or are first-generation scholars.  

St Chad's College

St Chad’s College Scholarships

St Chad’s students from less affluent economic backgrounds and under-represented communities.

A diverse range of scholarships for undergraduate and continuing postgraduate students at St Chad's College. 

St Hild and St Bede College

Trusts and Scholarships

A diverse range of scholarships which support academic talent and ambition, enable personal development and meet the needs of the local community.


 St Hild and St Bede College undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

St Mary's College

Funding Opportunities

A range of scholarships

Undergraduate applicants to St Mary's College commencing in 2025

St Mary's College

Margaret Bloomfield Bursaries

£1,000 towards college catering fees

Undergraduate applicants to St Mary's College commencing in 2025

Trevelyan College/Department of Mathematical Sciences

Global Masters Scholarship

In partnership with Scott Logic and  the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Trevelyan College is offering a Global Masters scholarship to a student from a low or middle-income. country.  

Trevelyan College students from a low income country who wish to study Masters in Mathematical Sciences , or a Masters in Particles, Strings and Cosmology. 

University College/St Mary's College Oakley Scholarship Established for undergraduate students in need of financial support, throughout their programme for three years of study. St Mary's College undergraduate home students with a household income below £42,875 and educated at a state-maintained school or education provider.
Ustinov College

Lothbury Scholarship

The Lothbury Scholarship is sponsored by Lothbury Investment Management Limited and the
Lothbury Property Trust. 

Ustinov College postgraduate students from the North East of England who have been resident for a minimum of 12 months prior to application. 

Durham University makes every effort to ensure that the information published or contained on its website is accurate. However, the University cannot guarantee the information may not subsequently be altered owing to circumstances beyond the University's reasonable control. Such circumstances include (but are not limited to) changes in Government policy or change of law. Whilst any changes will be incorporated into the University's website any person wishing to clarify the details of a particular scholarship/s should contact