We would like to update our community on two recent cases that were considered by Senate Discipline Committee.
A student was permanently expelled from the University for serious non-academic misconduct involving harassment of both staff and students.
We believe everyone has the right to work and study in an environment that is respectful, and where people feel safe. As part of our drive to ensure we create a respectful University culture, we expect staff and students to adhere to the University's values on behaviour and our regulations on conduct. Where an individual’s behaviour falls below the standard we would expect, we take swift and decisive action.
A student was sanctioned for multiple breaches of Covid-19 regulations. They received a fixed-term exclusion from the University and community service.
Our University community is based on respect and care for one another and for the local residents with whom we share our city. The vast majority of students have responded to Government restrictions, in place to help control the spread of Covid-19, as responsible citizens.
Nevertheless, if a student breaks the Government or University regulations, we must take action.
Working with Durham County Council Public Health Team and local partners, we have developed robust health and safety plans. These plans are informed by UK government and expert guidance and enable us to provide a Covid-secure environment for our University community. We communicate regularly with our staff and students to remind them of the latest Covid-19 guidelines.