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Scholarships & Bursaries

St Mary's College has a comprehensive selection of scholarships and bursaries, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Scholarships and bursaries are available to provide financial support to undergraduate and postgraduate students and cases are considered on a case- by- case basis. At Mary's, our scholarships and bursaries help our students get the most out of the fantastic wider student experience at Durham University and better themselves academically, professionally, and personally. Below you will find details of many of the scholarships and bursaries available to Mary’s students, although this list is not exhaustive.

In addition to the numerous bursaries and scholarships available to be awarded before the beginning of each academic year, there are also opportunities for current students to apply throughout the year, details of which will be posted internally.

At Mary's we appreciate that your financial circumstances may unexpectedly change during your time at University. For additional financial support and resources, please refer to:

St Mary's 2024-2025 Bursaries

UndergraduatesPurple background St Mary;s Bursaries 2024

Thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends of St Mary’s College, we are able to support new students from lower-income households to meet some of the core costs of College life.

St Mary’s 2024 Bursaries are non-repayable, and you do not have to apply for them. If your household income as assessed by Student Finance England (or equivalent) remains below £47,200, you will be eligible.

If eligible for a St Mary’s 2024 Bursary, you will receive:

  • Junior Common Room (JCR) Levy
  • Loan of Academic gown (please purchase one if you wish to)
  • Freshers Week Levy

Learn more about the St Mary's 2024 Bursary link coming soon.

2024 Bursaries Terms & Conditions - St Mary's College

Margaret Bloomfield Scholarships and Bursaries

In addition to our existing Scholarships and Bursaries, St Mary’s College will soon be launching a series of awards in memory of Margaret Bloomfield.

Margaret was a former student at St Mary’s, who very generously left a legacy to assist students in hardship.




Beatrice Hollingworth Award

Applications for the Beatrice Hollingworth Award Beatrice Hollingworthare welcomed from students of St Mary’s College who are due to graduate in Summer 2025 with First Class Honours or an Upper Second degree in a Science subject, and who intend to embark, in the following academic year (2025/26), on a full-time course leading to a higher degree at Durham University, whilst retaining membership of St Mary’ College.

Applications will be considered in consultation with the Faculty of Science and preference will be given to those achieving a First Class degree.

Beatrice Hollingworth Awards are valued between £1,000 - £3,000, depending on the number of recipients of the Award.

Beatrice Hollingworth joined Durham University in 1928 to a newly created post of ‘Secretary of the Science Departments’. She retired from the University in 1966 having reached the distinction of Deputy Secretary to the University. Her dedication and commitment to the Science Faculty was recognised by the University in 1964 when it conferred on her the degree of Master of Science honoris causa.

In 1982, Beatrice generously set up this Award in her name, to both St Mary’s College and St Aidan’s College, to support students wishing to pursue higher degrees in Science. She passed away in 1991 aged 90.

Terms and Conditions can be found HERE.

Details and link to apply to follow.

Prizes for Academic Achievement

We have a small number of academic prizes whichPrizes for academic achievement are made on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners at the end of each academic year. Students are contacted directly if they are the recipient of one of the prizes. The prizes include:

  • The Jean Cowling Prize in Theology
  • Frances Lee Jones Prize in Biological Sciences
  • Ruth Bostock Prize in English
  • Margaret Dunham Prize in English


St Mary’s College Student Opportunities Fund

This Fund is discretionary and combines a numberStudent Opportunities Fund of existing St Mary’s bursaries and awards and can help provide relief from hardship and monies to enable participation in the full range of opportunities that might otherwise be closed to students with limited means, so as to enable enrichment of their College and university experience.

Limited funds are available for distribution to assist current Mary’s students with travel, education, research, and other costs involved in College, Durham University, and outreach projects. Awards are typically made in the region of £100 – £200, although higher amounts may be awarded on occasion for outstanding applications.

Apply here.

University Scholarships and Bursaries

In addition to the above College Bursaries, there University Scholarships and Bursariesare a number of University scholarships and bursaries that students can apply for before starting their studies. For further information please visit: