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Emergency services – police, fire or ambulance (emergency only)

Telephone: 999 or 111

If you believe a situation to be an emergency, i.e. you believe that your own safety or that of another individual is at risk, you should notify the emergency services. In the UK, you must dial 999 (or 9999 from an internal phone). Once you are connected to a call handler, you’ll have to answer a series of questions to establish what is wrong, such as:

  • Which service do you require? (Police, ambulance or fire service)
  • Where are you (including the area or postcode)?
  • What is the phone number you are calling from?
  • Exactly what has happened?

After contacting the emergency services, if you are able to do so, please also inform the porter on duty of the situation. Any situation involving fire or accident on the College site should always be reported to the porter as a full report must be made of the incident.

College – Ustinov Porters and Senior Emergency Officer

Telephone: 0191 3345470

Mobile: 07824131678


The porters should be your first point of contact with any queries or problems. They are on duty 24 hours every day, and are based at Porters Lodge, Sheraton House, Sheraton Park.
The College operates a duty rota so that a Senior Emergency Officer is always on call should an emergency situation arise within the College or for a College member. The Senior Emergency Officer can be contacted through the porter on duty, and the porter makes the decision as to when to contact the Senior Emergency Officer on duty. If the porter is able to resolve the situation, a full report will still be made by email so that a member of the College team can follow up, as required, on the next working day.

University Security

Telephone in emergencies: 0191 334 3333

Telephone: 01913342222


Police (non-emergency)

Telephone: 101


Ask for Durham Constabulary or the University Police Liaison Officer, Sean Tindale


NHS 111 - option 2 for Crisis mental health support

There is now a new way for the public to access crisis mental health support by calling NHS 111 and selecting option 2 for mental health support.
This service is for people of all ages including children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis and continues to be provided by our two mental trusts - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV).
The use of the 111 number for the whole of the region will make it simpler for people to find the right mental health support, including crisis support, and will in due course replace the multiple freephone lines which are in use now.
The existing local freephone crisis service numbers will remain in place for some time so that anyone calling the old numbers can still access the support they need.
There is a phased programme of communications planned with service users and the public to raise awareness of the NHS 111 select mental health option but this won't start straight away to allow time for the service to 'bed-in'. You can find out more by reading our FAQS on our website
Being able to access crisis mental health support via 111  is part of the NHS Long Term Plan for urgent and emergency care services.