Taking inspiration from Durham University’s initiatives around decolonising the curriculum, in Archaeology some of our staff and students are involved in a project evaluating and exploring the diverse nature of our subject and opening up archaeology as a discipline to make it more inclusive and accessible to all and to realise a more global archaeology that is oriented towards social change.
This work takes inspiration from the decolonisation (or decolonialisation) movement. Common consensus uses this term to refer to the undoing of colonialism, but we seek a broader and more ambitious programme of change. Definitions refer to 'decolonisation' as a powerful metaphor for a critical approach that examines the reproduction of dominant power, social structures and cultural epistemes, which have historically privileged certain groups while exploiting, dehumanising, marginalising, and ultimately erasing other groups. We recognise that to achieve our ambitious aims for an inclusive and global archaeology we need to democratise our subject even more broadly. Our project thus aims to create a space in which all marginalised groups and individuals can begin to have a voice on how we research and teach the human past. It embraces activism and thinking on decolonising, and recognises that a broader portfolio of engagement and change is needed if we are to create a truly inclusive world archaeology.
Under these circumstances, we are not only discussing colonialism and its legacies academically, but exploring broader inequities and imbalances in our discipline and addressing these in our teaching, research, and employment practices to eradicate the perpetuation, however inadvertently, of social inequalities and injustices.
Our programme of work was initiated in 2019 by a group of staff and students who are taking forward a dialogue interrogating our curriculum, research, practices and culture and exploring to what extent they continue to perpetuate exclusions of aspects of the past and people, and/or negative stereotypes, as well as museums and heritage sector practices. This is a voluntary initiative and includes those committed to exploring decolonialising methodologies, but we recognise a need for an even broader and more inclusive approach. The programme is being developed within the framework and management of our Department’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Education Committee and Board of Studies.
Our aims are:
July 2024.