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Camera and lenses

As part of the VII Foundation’s stunning exhibition Monumental, Professor Jonathan Long was invited to speak on a panel exploring photography, nationalism and colonialism.

The exhibition, Monumental, brings together Tomas van Houtryve’s work Notre Dame After the Fire, and Ziyah Gafic’s Dome of the Rock. Also on the panel were the two photographers and the artist and academic Sary Zananiri.


Watch a recording of the panel discussion


The VII Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation based in Arles, France, and summarises its work as follows:

The VII Foundation trains and equips emerging visual journalists from communities underrepresented in the mediaThese practitioners have a front-seat perspective on urgent challenges that concern us all. The VII Foundation teaches essential skills and strategies to ensure the truth is documented and made available to a global audience seeking to make decisions and choices based on facts, not hearsay.  


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