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College Fellowships

A number of Durham colleges offer their own Visiting College Fellowships most of which are offered for one term with the College providing free board and lodging but no stipend. Travel expenses are not paid.

This scheme is, for the most part, separate from the IAS Fellowship scheme and makes it possible for a small number of visiting scholars to spend usually one term in Durham during the academic year. Fellowships are usually restricted to the academic terms. In most cases, it is only possible for the college to accommodate the Visiting Fellow, although it may be possible in certain circumstances to accommodate a partner/spouse. The availability of Visiting College Fellowships remains at the discretion of the college and Fellowship vacancies may be subject to change at short notice. 

The following Colleges offer visiting Fellowship schemes. Please note carefully and please follow the appropriate application route.

Please apply directly to following Colleges for a College Fellowship at:

Van Mildert College - Arthur Prowse/IAS Fellowship

This has a very specific annual timeframe and applications will only be accepted within this timeframe and by those that satisfy the application criteria.

Contact the IAS for further details:

IAS support for Durham University Seedcorn Research Fund

The IAS wants to bring closer to the forefront its role in building inter-disciplinary research capacity at Durham, and to do this throughout the year, working closely with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research to identify and nurture cross-disciplinary research ventures. While the IAS retains its commitment to facilitate independent initiatives of an interdisciplinary nature, it also seeks to work with University Research Committee to develop and advance strategic initiatives.

As a result, the IAS is providing support to the Seedcorn Research Fund. Both those who wish to initiate a ‘research conversation' in advance of applying to the Durham University Seedcorn Research Fund, and those who have successfully applied to the Durham University Seedcorn Research Fund, are eligible to apply for support from the IAS.