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SMART Soils Law SRF Award

Congratulations to Professor Karen Johnson for winning the SMART Soils Lab SRF Award!
Karen johnson Award

CSDLP partners webinar on 'Decoding the IPCC for Lawyers'

The CSDLP are delighted to share the recording of the webinar on 'Decoding the IPCC for Lawyers' that was organised by our partners at CIL/NUS, thank you for organising an inspiring conversation!
decoding IPCC CIL NUS

CSDLP at the 2023 Bonn UN Climate Change Conference (SB58)

The CSDLP are delighted to partner with CIL/NUS at the 2023 Bonn UN Climate Change Conference (SB58) through a poster!
poster about climate change SB58 Bonn

ECR Workshop on Cross-disciplinary Sustainability Challenges

We are delighted to invite you to the early-career researchers Workshop on cross-disciplinary sustainability challenges.
Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy with a green background

Justice Brian Preston - Visiting Professor at Durham Law School

The Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy aims to raise the awareness for the importance of environmental law for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. To this end the centre is welcoming Justice Brian Preston, the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, as a visiting professor.
Law School Exterior

CSDLP workshop in Uganda

Prof Petra Minnerop, Dr. Adebola Adeyemi and Dr. Smith Azubuike visited colleagues of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development and the Petroleum Authority of Uganda.
CSDLP in Uganda

Justice Brian Preston - Globalisation and Harmonisation of Environmental Law

Justice Brian Preston delivered a seminar in the Climate Change Law and Policy.
Justice Preston and students

Durham CSDLP at COP27

The Centre for Sustainable Development law and Policy at Durham Law school was present at COP27 where it organised an event around 'Collaboration in Research and Education'.
COP27 banner