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Saturday 26th October 08:00 Registration/Drinks
09:00 Welcome
09:25 Session 1
Stream 1- Anglicanism and Justice Stream 2- Text
09:30 Abigail Cawte The performance of women instrumentalists in charismatic church worship bands Cathy Ann Elias Biblical Redactions in Musical Settings of Jonah and Jephte: What Happened to the Unrepentant One?
10:00 Katie Ambrose Choral music-making in gendered settings Rachel Adie-Rhodes Interpreting the Four Daughters of God in Eighteenth-century Italian Libretti
10:30 Hannah Willman Global Anglican Music-Making in a (Post-)Colonial World Joseph Sargent “A Crown of Prayer and Praise”: Thought and Feeling in Leo Sowerby’s La Corona
11:00 Drinks
11:25 Session 2
Stream 1- Congregational Music & Worship Stream 2- Composition
11:30 Ryan Mackey ‘As One We Sing…’: Convergence and Music
in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches
Tim Boniface Soloing on the Scriptures: reflections on jazz performance as theology in practice
12:00 Leander Franke “You cannot separate the medium from the message”:  On the development of ideals regarding music in church services within Svenska Missionsförbundet (Swedish Congregational Church) 1957–1986. Brian Inglis ‘Engaging with theological concepts via music composition: Ave generosa and The Song of Margery Kempe’
12:30 Tihomir Lazic Spiritual Communion in Digital Worship: A Netnographic and Ecclesiological Inquiry Chris Massa Musicking the Seven Last Words: A New Composition and a Novel Approach
13:00 Lunch
13:55 Session 3
Stream 1- Music-worship-faith Stream 2- Nineteenth Century
14:00 Jane Pettegree Study and Sing: parish choir direction as practical theology Zig Reichwald Psalms without Words: What Mendelssohn’s Late Chamber Music Can Teach Us About Psalms
14:30 Lydia Padfield Musical Experience, Glossolalia, and the Mystical Tradition Joanna Bullivant John Henry Newman, Edward Elgar, and naturalistic views of music history
15:00     Sukai Chen Music and a Theology of Hope
15:30 Drinks
15:55 Session 4
Stream 1- Experience Stream 2- Music and the World Stream 3- Time
16:00 Donna Matthews Improvisation as a Liminal Experience  James Broad Powers and Principalities: an examination of themes of social justice in UK Christian rap music  Victoria Costa Sacred Music in Sacred Time: Towards a Liturgical Theology of Music through the Church Year
16:30 Frederico Dinis Memory performativity, deep listening and (in)visibilities in religious places Brent Keogh Towards a Theistic Ecomusicology Catherine Jenkins The significance of musical rests in Saint Augustine’s aesthetics and theology of time
17:00 Keynote 1- Professor June Boyce-Tilman
An Inclusive Theology of Sound
18:00 Book Launch & Wine Reception
Music and Spirituality: Theological Approaches, Empirical Methods, and Christian Worship (ed. George Corbett and Sarah Moerman)

Optional Dinner

Details TBC– we will be looking to book somewhere in Durham but please note spaces may be limited

Sunday 27th October 08:00 Registration/Drinks
08:55 Session 5- Concurrent
Panel 1- Discographic Possibilities: Theological Complexity in Pop Music's Conceptual Albums Panel 2- Music and Biblical Reception
09:00 Charles Howell Spiritual Complexity: Theological Reflections on Willie Nelson’s Spirit Album Andrew Mein The Bible in Music: Problems and Prospects
09:20 Benjamin Holsteen ‘The Heart Breaks and the World Explodes’: Grief, Wonder, the Fracturing of Time and Intimations of Eternity on Nick Cave & The Bad Seed’s Ghosteen Paul Middleton Sound Devotion: Scordatura as Biblical Commentary in Heinrich Biber’s "Rosary Sonatas"
09:40 Elspeth Manders Theological Complexities in Transgressive Popular Music, Specifically the Concept Albums Seventh Son of a Seventh Son by Iron Maiden and Tales of Creation by Candlemass Sarah Moerman On Gods of Brass and Concubines! Music as Exegesis in Walton’s "Belshazzar’s Feast"
10:00 Session 6- Concurrent
Stream 1- Contemporary Music Stream 2- Archives
10:00 Micah Patterson ‘Who Said Gospel’s Boring?’ Exploring the Sono-Spiritual Fruits of Gospel Drill Anna Maria Plischka A new Patron for musica sacra? The Failed Glorification of Pius X
10:30 Michael Tang Beyond Lyric: Sigur Rós and The Divine Resonance Antony Pitts Outward and visible signs in Eton’s Choirbook
11:00 Drinks
11:25 Session 7- Concurrent
Stream 1- Mysticism Stream 2- Organology Stream 3- Sacred/Secular
11:30 Chiara Bertoglio The Song of the Trinity in Medieval mysticism and poetry Anna Steppler Reason without words: Evocations of the voice in early modern debates on musical instruments in liturgy Parvis Hejazi Composition as Prayer – Musical Signs and Theological Meaning in Olivier Messiaen’s Sacred Music by the Example of Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus
12:00 George Haggett Bernard of Clairvaux Goes to the Opera: Christian mysticism in medievalist operas by Robert Saxton, Julian Philips, and Kaija Saariaho Mikkael Halonen Contemplatio Polyhymniae Pro Organicis – Christologically Inspired Exultation and Exercise of Etymological Figures, Exclamations, and Equivocal Emblems in the Latin Writings and the Ecclesiastical Organ Music of Michael Praetorius (1571–1621) Anthony Mangin You’re Dead: Examining Theomusicologically-Mediated Imagery of Death (and life after death) of Sufjan Stevens and Flying Lotus
12:30 Christina Labriola Song Sweet as Fire: Music in the Medieval Mystical Sensorium Giorgio Farabegoli & Elena Borelli Barbieri’s auto-organ: a new way of sacred music-making in twentieth-century Italian churches Jennifer Walker Hector Berlioz’s Sonic Theology
13:00 Lunch
13:55 Session 8- Concurrent
Stream 1- Global Perspectives on Catholic Worship Stream 2- Disciplines
14:00 Teresa O'Donnell Sing a new song: migrant Catholic liturgical music practices in Ireland Ming Wilson "Music Encompasses All the Disciplines" - The Theology of Maximus Confessor for the Contemplation and Composition of Sacred Music
14:30 Gabriela Henríquez Negotiating the politics of Masses: How the Salvadoran Popular Mass shaped the relation between the Working
Class and the Roman Catholic Church in El Salvador
Christopher Blakey Harmony and Theology in Rebecca Clarke’s God Made a Tree
15:00 Tin Cugelj Listening to the Past Experience(s): On the Performance of the (Polyphonic?) Mass in Early Modern Dubrovnik Michael O'Connor Fifty Shades of Scholarship: Mapping the Bewildering Array of Methods in Music and Theology 
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Keynote 2- Dr Chelle Stearns
Harrowed Poetics: Music, Theology, & Trauma
17:00 Panel Discussion
18:00 Address