Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Research Postgraduate (PhD) in the Department of Biosciences |
Research interests
- Wildlife management, population ecology, animal behaviour, remote sensing, citizen science, fertility control, human-wildlife conflicts, invasive species, wildlife conservation
Conference Paper
- Beatham, S., Coats, J., Massei, G., & Stephens, P. (2018, December). Developing an oral contraceptive bait for grey squirrel control. Presented at International Squirrel Colloquium, 2018, Galway, Ireland
- Beatham, S., Stepehens, P., Coats, J., Fouracre, D., Goodwin, D., & Massei, G. (2019, December). Novel methods to assess bait uptake patterns and densities of small mammals for wildlife management. Presented at European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, Clement-Ferrand, France
Journal Article
- Beatham, S. E., Stephens, P. A., Goodwin, D., Coats, J., Rochester, I., Thomas, E., Rochester, A., & Massei, G. (2024). An assessment of seasonal bait uptake by individual grey squirrels to develop a delivery system for oral contraceptives. Pest Management Science, 80(11), 5597-5607.
- Beatham, S., Stephens, P., Coats, J., Phillips, J., & Massei, G. (2023). A camera trap method for estimating target densities of grey squirrels to inform wildlife management applications. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, Article 1096321.
- Beatham, S., Goodwin, D., Coats, J., Stephens, P., & Massei, G. (2021). A PIT-tag based method for measuring individual bait uptake in small mammals. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(2), Article e12081.