20 November 2024 - 20 November 2024
7:30PM - 9:30PM
Durham University Department of Music, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RL
£10 standard, £5 students, £1 under-18s.
Inventions is a fascinating trans-national project to promote and present unusual music for solo harpsichord, drawing primarily on historical and contemporary music by female composers from Scotland, Ireland and England. Three beautiful new commissions are set alongside historical works, making links between different countries and centuries, and performed by Katarzyna Kowalik, a creative and skilled performer of both historical and contemporary keyboard music.
Katarzyna Kowalik
The Inventions project is gratefully supported by Creative Scotland, Sound Scotland, Arts Council England, Mary Cooke, the Hope Scott Trust, The Marchus Trust and the Francis Routh Trust.
Katarzyna Kowalik, harpsichord
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre: Suite no. 1 in D minor
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser: Mull Fisher's Love Song, arr. Lisa Robertson
Lisa Robertson: dorchadas, duilichinn, dòchas (darkness, regret, hope)
John Dowland/Heinrich Scheidemann: Pavana Lachrimae
Anon. Irish: Ho Hoane
Evangelia Rigaki: Keening
Elisabetta di Gamberini: Lover, go and Calm your Sighs, with variations on the song
Janet Oates: Night shall Hide thee