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Where can I GO?

There are two main exchange programmes available: Non European Exchange and European. Most non-European partners teach in English, however, places are more competitive. The teaching language of European partners varies from partner to partner. The number of European placements means most (90+%) of students receive an offer of a place and the number of department to department exchange links means that there is a page dedicated to European placements.
Things to consider when thinking about where to GO

List of all non-European exchange partners


China (Mainland)

Hong Kong









New Zealand


There are more than 250+ European agreements, many of which are specific to students from individual departments. For this reason, please visit the European Exchanges page for further details. 

Latin America

North America




Wurzburg cathedral at night

Things to consider when choosing a partner university

Given all the partnerships that are available it's important to keep an open mind. Here is a quick guide on some of the things you might want to think about.

Click here to access the guide

GO Full Year Study: Step by Step

How does it work?

Find out details of how full-year GO study works

Where can I go?

Find out about Durham's partner universities

How to apply

Find out the application process

Preparing to go

What students must do pre-departure

Currently Abroad

Help and resources for students abroad

Returning Students

Find out what to do on your return